human liver
The liver is one of the most important human organs. It performs many functions, including aiding digestion and removing toxins from the body. Learn more about the structure of the liver and its diseases

The liver is:

  • one of the largest human organs;
  • the only organ that is able to restore its structure and functions even when 70% is removed.

The liver can be called a giant laboratory of hepatocytes – cells in which up to 1 million chemical reactions can occur every second. Consider the main points related to the liver.

What is important to know about the human liver

dimensionsTransverse – 24-28 cm Vertical – 6-8 cm
The weightAbout 1500 gr
BileDispenses up to 2 liters

(average 700-800 ml)

Liver function• digestive (formation of bile);

• metabolic (participates in the metabolism of proteins, fats and carbohydrates);

• barrier (participates in the neutralization of metabolic products and toxins);

• homeostatic;

• synthetic (participates in the synthesis of certain compounds (urea, glycogen, etc.);

• depositing (may contain up to 600 ml of blood);

• hormonal (involved in the synthesis of biologically active substances).

ShareRight (tailed, square) and left
Biochemical indicators• ASAT (aspartate aminotransferase)

• ALT (alanine aminotransferase)

• Gamma-G T PL D G (lactate dehydrogenase)

• ALP (alkaline phosphatase)

• Bilirubin and fractions

• Total protein

• Albumin

• Cholesterol and fractions

• Triglycerides

• Coagulogram

• Fibrinogen

Where is the human liver

The liver is located under the diaphragm on the upper right side of the abdomen.

  • Upper bound – along the midclavicular line in the 4th intercostal space, along the axillary line in the 8th intercostal space and at the level of the 11th vertebrae from the back (the position changes by 1-2 cm during breathing). From above, the liver is in contact with the diaphragm, the superior vena cava.
  • Left border – 5-7 cm from the midline (the border depends on the constitution of the person and the fullness of the stomach).
  • Bottom line – normally does not extend beyond the edges of the ribs. It comes into contact with the right kidney, adrenal gland, stomach, duodenum, part of the esophagus, colon.

What does the human liver look like and how does it work?

To understand the principle of the liver, try drinking 6 glasses of juice per minute and name the exact composition (orange, apple, multifruit). A mistake for us will be a joke. But if the liver makes a mistake and takes the toxin for a normal substance – death.

Every minute, 1,5 liters of blood passes through the liver, from which it retains harmful substances for the body.

During the day, up to 800 ml of bile is secreted, which is necessary for normal digestion.

And at night, the liver deposits glycogen, which during the day is spent on the needs of the body.

Why can a person’s liver hurt?

The liver itself cannot hurt. This is due to the fact that it does not have nerve receptors. However, the slightest change in volume leads to stretching of the capsule that covers the organ. This leads to the appearance of pain syndrome. In addition, pain in the right hypochondrium may manifest pathology of neighboring organs (gall bladder, pancreas, kidney, and others).

Stones in the bile ducts

Gallstone disease (GSD) is a chronic disease, mainly with a genetic predisposition, which is characterized by the formation of stones in the biliary tract.

This disease occurs in 10-15% of the population.

Risk factors for the development of cholelithiasis:

  • age over 40 years;
  • hereditary burden;
  • Gender Female;
  • pregnancy;
  • taking hormonal drugs during menopause;
  • overweight;
  • diabetes;
  • cirrhosis of the liver;
  • the use of certain drugs (estrogens, fibrates, antibacterial drugs).


  • severe cutting, cramping pain in the right hypochondrium and epigastrium;
  • nausea, vomiting that does not bring relief;
  • change in heart rate, blood pressure;
  • sweating;
  • general weakness.

Inflammatory liver disease

Most often, these are hepatitis A, B, C, D, E. Hepatitis is an inflammatory disease of the liver, most often of viral origin.

Transmission ways:

  • For hepatitis A and E – water, food, contact household.
  • For B, C, D – in contact with infected blood, during intercourse.

All hepatitis have approximately similar symptoms and have certain phases of development:

  1. The incubation period is characterized by the reproduction and spread of the virus in the body, while there are no symptoms.
  2. Prodromal (preicteric) period – symptoms are nonspecific: nausea, general weakness, loss of appetite, feeling of heaviness, pressure in the right hypochondrium.
  3. The icteric phase is characterized by the coloring of the skin, mucous membranes, sclera in yellow in 3-10 days. Itchy skin is possible. On palpation, the liver is enlarged and painful.
  4. Recovery phase – there is a normalization of indicators within 2-4 weeks.

Cirrhosis of the liver

Cirrhosis of the liver is a process in which the normal structure of the liver is replaced by a fibrous one. The process is irreversible and is the outcome of many chronic liver diseases.


  • increased fatigue, weakness;
  • dark urine;
  • yellowness of the skin, mucous membranes, sclera;
  • skin itching is possible;
  • an increase in the volume of the abdomen;
  • increased bleeding;
  • temperature rise.

How is the human liver treated?

Non-drug treatment

  • a ban on the use of alcoholic beverages, smoking;
  • moderate physical activity;
  • weight loss (if necessary);
  • limiting the use of table salt;
  • proper and balanced nutrition 4-5 times a day.


  • Hepatoprotectors (Heptral, Ursosan, Hepa-Merz, Essentiale forte N) is a pharmacological group of agents that prevent the destruction of cell membranes and stimulate the regeneration of hepatocytes. The main substance is phospholipids. The drugs are taken in a course of 3 months.
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  • Cholagogues and bile preparations in combinations (Ursosan, Ursodez, Odeston, Hofitol) – a group of choleretic drugs increases the formation of bile and accelerates excretion through the biliary tract. Taken in a course of 2-3 weeks.
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  • Probiotics (Linex, Hilak Forte, Acipol, Bifiform) – live microorganisms that are necessary for normal microflora. They ensure the removal of toxins from the body, preventing them from entering the liver, which greatly facilitates its work.
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Liver resection

Liver resection – removal of part of the altered liver tissue.


  • cancer or metastases;
  • hemangioma;
  • echinococcosis;
  • liver cysts;
  • liver abscesses;
  • liver trauma.

Liver transplantation

Liver transplantation is an organ-replacing operation in the terminal stages of liver disease. Both a whole liver transplant and a part of an organ are possible.

How to keep your liver healthy at home

There are 10 simple rules that will keep the liver healthy for many years.

  • Keep your weight in check.
  • Regularly take tests and do an ultrasound of the abdominal cavity.

It is recommended to visit a therapist at least once a year and take the necessary minimum of tests.

  • Take herbal hepatoprotectors.

The use of traditional medicine and dietary supplements can have a beneficial effect on the liver. Only a preliminary consultation with a specialist is necessary. It is important to be sure that this prevention will not cause harm.

  • Eat right and balanced.
  • Be physically active.
  • Avoid excessive contact with toxic substances.

This includes wearing personal protective equipment when working with insecticides, chemicals, and toxins.

  • Do not abuse alcohol.
  • Do not use prohibited substances.

All prohibited substances are harmful to the liver. Even a single dose leads to cell death without the possibility of recovery.

  • Do not neglect the rules of safe intercourse.

The risk of contracting viral hepatitis through casual sexual intercourse is very high. A one-time pleasure can be worth several years of treatment.

  • Do not self-medicate.

Excessive intake of NSAIDs, antibiotics, fibrates adversely affects the functioning of the liver. In addition, hepatocytes can die due to the high concentration of these substances in the body.

Popular questions and answers

We discussed important issues related to the liver with therapist Tatyana Pomerantseva.

Which doctor treats the human liver?

Initially, you need to contact a therapist. After collecting complaints, laboratory and instrumental data, the doctor will refer to narrower specialists:

• a hepatologist;

• infectious disease specialist;

• gastroenterologist.

Already with the available examinations, a narrow-profile specialist can immediately prescribe the necessary treatment.

What foods are good for the human liver?

• Vegetable products (beets, pumpkins, carrots, bell peppers, dried apricots, olive oil);

• Animal products (lean meats stewed or steamed);

• Fish (stewed or boiled);

• Low fat dairy products;

• Lots of fluids (green tea, fresh juices, smoothies).

Is it possible to “cleanse” the liver and how to do it?

The liver is a complex and unique organ that cannot be “cleansed”. Recovery is possible only if you follow the rules of a healthy lifestyle and timely treatment of diseases.

Excessive use of dietary supplements and vitamins only burdens the liver, which makes its recovery impossible.

In order for the liver to work at 100% for many years, you should consult a doctor. This will help to diagnose diseases at an early stage and start prevention today.


  1. Clinical guidelines “Cirrhosis of the liver”, 2015.
  2. Clinical recommendations “ZHKB”, 2017.
  3. Clinical guidelines. Chronic viral hepatitis C (CHC) in adults, 2019.

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