Human dignity: what it is and how not to lose it

Human dignity: what it is and how not to lose it

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Dignity: what is it

This is the name of the inner nobility of a person, regardless of origin and position in society. This is a characteristic of a personality from the side of its intrinsic value. Respect and self-respect of a person.

We often hear: he deserves it, “worthy people.” Words: honor, conscience, honesty, nobility are synonyms of the word “dignity”. In life, we respect people for good deeds and deeds. For example, A.P. Chekhov, D.S. Likhachev, Mother Teresa. We despise those who betray, kill, deceive, offend the weak, and mock animals.

How not to lose dignity

Our life becomes more comfortable, fast-paced, complex and less predictable. She challenges us with her instability. You no longer have to rely on external points of support, you no longer want to live with illusions. It remains to look for a fulcrum in yourself, to independently build the foundations of certainty in your life.

Such qualities as honor and dignity can become a foundation. These concepts are devalued, associated with the times of chivalry and are, rather, in mechanical use.

It is much easier to live without these qualities and not “burden” yourself with such requirements, to flutter through life as a careless moth. The science of dignity makes us live according to the values ​​and criteria set for ourselves, to be responsible for our actions and for our life in the end.

Honor is the voice of conscience, it can be heard as a result of inner work on oneself. Life requires from us courage and action, the willingness to “take a hit” and go our own way further. Hope for comfort and peace is an illusion for the weak. The only person who is responsible for personal happiness is you.

A person who believes that he can change something lives and acts according to moral principles than one who is deprived of such a conviction. And the result is different, it reinforces the beliefs of everyone in their rightness.

Dignity and honor help people to take an active life position and do not allow them to pretend “I have nothing to do with it”, “I don’t see anything, I don’t hear anyone”.

What is happening around, “passes” through the person. He participates in the lives of loved ones, he feels pain and joy of life. Such a person develops and reveals himself as a strong personality who is responsible not only for his life, but also for those who can be helped.

Honor and dignity to those who choose difficult paths and enjoy it. His rewards will be self-respect and the joy of being.

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