“Human Design”: living by nature, not by the false “I”

If we type in the phrase human design in a search engine, we get a strange set of answers: from “it’s a sect” to “the science of the uniqueness of a life path.” The controversial system is thirty years old, and every year it has more adherents. “Design” claims that there are only four types of people in the world. If you know your type, you can easily succeed. Is it really?

Critics of the system appeal to the fact that it is a mix of all kinds of terms and incomprehensible formulations, invented and taken from already known currents: astrology, transcendental practices, Eastern teachings.

Newspeak, the presence of the leader of the (now deceased) Ra Uru Hu, and the impressive legend of the eight-day revelation that came to the then Robert Alan Krakover in the form of “Voice”, really resemble some kind of sectarian formations. The doctrine is put on a par with the mystical trends of the early and mid-twentieth century.

Someone considers this a beautifully packaged quackery: people, as you know, are happy to be deceived. Someone – a successful business project: the calculation of a personal life path map is usually free (many sites offer such a service), but reading and deciphering complex calculations and incomprehensible schemes requires knowledge and experience. It costs money, and sometimes a lot: you can use the services of an analyst, or you can learn it yourself – also for money.

There are those who are sure that drawing up a personal map of life’s purpose is harmless and will not bring harm, but it is quite beneficial. To believe or not to believe is a personal matter for everyone. The ongoing controversy does not deter new supporters. On the contrary, the system finds new adherents.

Mix of astrology and oriental practices

According to the doctrine, each inhabitant of the Earth corresponds to his unique “bodygraph” (or rave card).

This is a schematic “portrait” of a person, the different parameters of which speak of his character, abilities, health, laid down by nature and manifested in real life. Like the natal chart in astrology (which is also not recognized by science), it is calculated based on the parameters of birth: the date, place and time of arrival in this world.

But how can you calculate the uniqueness of each inhabitant of the planet, based on such meager data?

You can find the answer in the system itself, explains Daniil Trofimov, an analyst at Human Design. “We know about genetics and quantum physics. We know about 64 DNA codons of our genetic matrix. We receive a combination and their unique combination from parents.

But our system also takes into account such objective parameters as the neutrino flux that passed through the planets at the time of birth, activating certain codons. Neutrino is a transmitter of information.

This is just a hypothesis, it is almost impossible to prove it experimentally: it is possible to “catch” neutrinos only in special underground laboratories. I don’t think the scientific part will ever be proven.” Therefore, the teachings are referred to as esoteric practices.

“Human Design” is a complex system of self-awakening that allows you to find inner authority and lean on it.

“Nevertheless, nothing prevents us from accepting it as a working version, a hypothesis, trying to apply it to ourselves, testing it in practice, in our life. This will be an experiment to confirm scientific hypotheses,” says Daniil Trofimov.

Despite the use of the experience of different practices, the “Design” system is integral.

“Imagine you are playing a computer game. There is your character, you look at him as if from the outside, you follow his scenario line. At some point, you get so carried away that you completely immerse yourself in the image. The character meets a book of knowledge, from which he learns what his “skills” (skills – English), what are his weaknesses and strengths. And discovers that he is actually a program.

I am a genetic program, I have hormones that change my condition. The brain is a complex machine that runs on electricity. There is a spiral in the nuclei of the cells, which contains information about what my character will be like when baldness begins, and so on.

We don’t live our lives

“At school, we study subjects that tell about the world: physics, chemistry, history, geography, literature. But there is nothing (except perhaps biology) that would tell us about ourselves and how to interact with the world.

Most people are helpless, they live blindly, under the influence of the environment, society, they ignore their own program, laid down at the time of birth, – says Daniil Trofimov. – “Human Design” is a complex system of self-awakening, which allows you to find inner authority and rely on it.

Someone has recognized their rave card and decided to follow it, but for an adult with an established set of patterns, this is not easy.

Someone ignored, continuing to live in the archetype of the false self. We suppress uniqueness, we deprive ourselves of the opportunity to live our lives, we become an instrument for expressing someone else’s template.

Rejection of one’s own nature leads to self-destruction

“Where is my nature, mind, habits leading to the wrong path, can be seen in the bodygraph. Once I watched an interview with the famous Dagestan wrestler Khabib Nurmagomedov. He admitted that he was too lazy to run, get up early, but he needed exercises, because dad said: “You are a champion, you need it.”

I wondered who he was in terms of design. It turned out that he was a “projector” – a genetic type created not to work, but to channel the energy of others. He has a powerful intellect, a strong mentality, but at the same time – an open egocenter, which speaks of self-doubt. He does not realize his own worth and is forced to prove it in the ring just because he was born in such an environment.

All links of the scheme, in the form of which the “bodygraph” is presented, have correspondences in the body, you can see how correctly we live life.

A million combinations

The method of constructing a “bodygraph” is different from the natal chart in astrology. Uniqueness consists of the number of combinations of many parameters. Initially, the mandala (colorful wheel surrounding the “bodygraph”), which is used in this system to track the movement of the planets, operates with 64 “gates” – hexagrams.

Each of them is divided into 6 lines, each line – into 6 colors, color – into 6 tones, tone – into 5 bases. Total about 70 thousand options.

“These are micro notes, micro qualities. In addition, people bear two imprints: natal and prenatal: 13 points of programming at the time of birth and 13 points while we are in the womb. Imagine that you have a piano in front of you, on which there are 70 thousand keys, and you have 26 fingers.

You get a very detailed picture, the expert explains. But it consists of generalizations of varying degrees of depth. “Let’s take the most basic thing. For example, I am a man, you are a woman.

In “Design” there are generalizations at the level of genetic type: generators, projectors, manifestors and reflectors. They have common features. If we want deeper detail, then we remember the keys of our piano and listen to the halftones that the bodygraph and its detailed transcript show.

Four Basic Types of Design

Most of the world’s population – 70% – “generators” different species, Trofimov believes (there are also manifest generators – a subspecies that increasingly claims to be a separate category). These are carriers of vital energy, the purpose of which is to perform a certain work.

The generator is born into the world to create, produce, create. This is the most ancient evolutionary type, the main labor force. His task in real life is to meet with a case that creates a sense of satisfaction. He will do well, he will be offered a new job, success will come.

When he does not do what he likes now, the energy does not go. For the generator, this is a signal: it is worth waiting or completely abandoning work. If he takes on a case that does not give energy, there is a high probability of meeting frustration.

Sometimes such a person manages to find the work of his life immediately, sometimes it is transformed over the years. The main thing is that it does not lead to frustration, but brings a feeling of satisfaction. Listening to himself and responding to the proposals of the world is the essence of his life program.

“I know a woman, she is under 90 years old. At 17, she took up massage, then became a chiropractor. He literally does wonders with his clients. One gifted musician is now 32 and has been playing the tabla since he was 14. I am sure he is the best in Europe in this instrument. These people responded to the world in time.”

Generators have one thing in common: they are designed to respond to life, and not to embody their own thoughts. Their nature is to react.

“Manifestors” do not consider the other as a person, unless it is an ally who helps to go to the goal.

About 9% of the population ismanifestors”. They have a dense, closed, repulsive aura. They are created to influence, to push others to action with their manifesting energy. Manifestors tend to perceive other people as a hindrance or an ally in exercising their influence. Their motto is: “I go to my goal, other people are my tools.”

Manifestors are not very comfortable in personal relationships, but they are clearly manifested in the social sphere, in the business world, in business, politics, where you can influence and where a closed, dense, non-absorbing aura helps. It is a great relief for a manifesting woman to recognize her type and accept that she will never be a submissive wife, will not patiently take care of the hearth.

1% of people – “reflectors”. There is no certainty in their design. These are chameleon people, completely changing in the new environment. They, like a mirror, reflect what is around. Reflectors rarely know anything about themselves and their essence.

Their false self is very quickly fixed on the family, home, children, and they lose the ability to radical changes. Reflectors reflect other people, thanks to them you can see yourself as if from the outside. They, like a barometer, will show with their despondency and disappointment that something is wrong in space. Or, on the contrary, they will “glow” with reflected light, if it is light and good around them.

“Projectors” make up 20%. The purpose of this type is revealed in the correct interaction with the generators. If the generator is a process being, then the projectors are the ones who direct their energy in the right direction. Projectors are evolutionarily the youngest type.

“The world is changing, we are moving away from the “one hero movie”, today everyone wants to be a hero. In a crazy world where the generator is producing more and more—weapons, resources, cosmetics, food, phones—you need someone to bring in the sanity.”

“Projectors” are genetically equipped to see others well

Only the projector has the ability to bring intelligence into the world and direct the unbridled energy of the generator in the right constructive direction. This helps the generator understand how to implement a particular process more efficiently. Projectors are genetically engineered to see others well. But for them, there is a great risk of going down the path of the false self, manipulating others in such a way as to arrange their lives.

“They do not have their own constant energy, and hence the fear and the need to secure a resource for survival by any cunning means. But the wisdom of the “projector-generator” bundle is that it is in the generator that the source of life for the projector is hidden.

It’s magic, it’s a thrill, when the oscillator gives back to its response, and the projector focuses on it and helps to unfold it. Then the generator, producing more than it needs, shares with the projector. But in reality, the false self scenario prevails. It turns out that the projectors are busy with themselves instead of directing the generators.

Generators do not look inside themselves, they try to do something for others, like slaves, not because they want to, but because they “should”. Manifestors are afraid to move something, to decide on changes. And reflectors are trying in every possible way to fix themselves in some kind of identity, role. And, alas, they do not live their own lives.

But, if you return to the natural program, or at least think about it, there is a chance to live your life filled with satisfaction, success, peace and surprise, ”concludes Daniil Trofimov.

About expert

Daniil Trofimov — guide and analyst of the Human Design system. His broker.

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