Human character by blood type: why we are different

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Evolution has repeatedly “improved” humans by expanding the blood group system. And together with the groups, the immune system, the digestive tract, psychological types and emotional reactions changed.

Characteristics of a person by blood group

The modern classification of blood groups was proposed 120 years ago. The most common of them is II. What can you say about its representatives and owners of other groups?

Human character by blood type: why we are different

Representatives of the I (O) group

The first group was formed in the Stone Age. Our ancestors then hunted and ate mainly meat. Therefore, it is believed that its representatives are born meat eaters.

As for character, the “first-grade students” have pronounced leadership qualities. They know how to lead, analyze, calculate and predict events. Thanks to this, such people always find solutions to the most difficult problems.

Men with this blood characteristic are conquerors, casanos and excellent lovers. Women have a bright temperament, they are passionate, jealous and insatiable in love.

On health, as a rule, the owners of the XNUMXst group. do not complain, however, only when they practice an active lifestyle and play sports.

The best diet: – meat, fish, raw vegetables and fruits. It is recommended to avoid long-processed and dairy products.

II (A) group

It was formed later, when our ancestors started farming. The variety of the diet, the predominance of plant foods imprinted on psychology. People of this group are peaceful, agreeable, inclined to compromise.

They converge quite easily with others and often show a penchant for learning languages. Men are considerate, respectful and loyal partners. Women are loyal wives, great mothers. If we talk about health, then people of the second group often develop diseases of the eyes, heart, liver.

The well-being is well influenced by a vegetarian diet, they are shown fish, a variety of dairy products, poultry, and cereals. Spicy foods, beans, and coffee, on the other hand, cause discomfort.

III (B) group

It began to form at the height of the Ice Age. The need to adapt to new, extreme temperatures has spawned mutations in the blood. It is not surprising that people with Group III are distinguished by patience, endurance, and self-control.

People are scrupulous and accurate, they make qualified surgeons or jewelers. These people, as they say, have golden hands.

Men do not find their soul mate for a long time. In the search process, partners are often changed. However, having created a family, they become reliable and reasonable husbands. Women boast a sense of style. They are eccentric and know how to get attention.

Most often, people with III gr. susceptible to infectious diseases and indigestion. Foods suitable for them are fish, milk, lamb, vegetables, warm teas. Preservatives and alcohol can do harm.

IV (AB) group

The youngest, is less common than the rest. It appeared only some thousand years ago. Because of this, representatives of the IV gr. – strong immunity. Their blood system is adapted to many diseases that already existed at that time.

People are friendly, sociable, intelligent individuals. They have good communication skills and a developed sense of humor. There is a drawback – indecision.

Men are real seducers, women are energetic and sexy. Regarding health, the owners of IV gr. often there are problems with hearing, joints, spine, skin. Hereditary diseases are transmitted.

It is very important for them to consume ecologically clean, fresh, without unnecessary additives products. They should also avoid fried foods, which drain energy.

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