😉 Hello my dear readers! Friends, a person’s appearance and appearance are different concepts. Appearance is given to us by nature, we take care of the appearance ourselves.
Human face
A person’s appearance is a business card. Caring for our service is a prerequisite and an indispensable attribute for people leading a healthy lifestyle. A well-groomed look is clean skin and neatly styled hair, neat nails, healthy teeth. All this should be in harmony with clean shoes and clothes, plus a light scent.
It is important that these components of the external image are constantly kept in perfect condition. Imagine a young charming woman. Beautiful clothes, correct makeup, stylish hairstyle. And suddenly the beauty begins to speak. Oh God … rotten teeth and bad breath! Everything! We are unpleasant and want to stop communicating …
O times! About manners!
Well-groomed is the key to success, both in personal life and in work. A person’s appearance means a lot. Only a well-groomed person is perceived by the people around him much better than an untidy one.
This is what the world famous motivator Brian Tracy says about a person’s appearance:
- “If you look sloppy, then none of the customers will want to buy anything from you. If you look sick or dressed poorly, it can affect your entire career. “
- “There is no point in hoping that others will appreciate you for your character and personality without paying attention to how you look.”
Appearance and Spiritual World
There are women and girls who devote all their free time to taking care of their appearance. Manicure, hairstyles, beauty salons, massage, masks, brands … A beauty marathon day after day, year after year … More and more often they complain that life is boring and uninteresting, there is a constant assessment of people by their appearance.
You will communicate with such a girl-doll, inside of which there is cold and emptiness and becomes uninteresting.
A familiar story: She is very beautiful, and no one calls to get married, but her classmate Svetka is married and loved. Two children. And Svetka is just a gray mouse, neither skin nor faces, does not go to salons, does not wear brands. Why is there such an injustice in life?
And it happens the other way around. Creative, talented individuals who are passionate about what they love are often not interested in fashion (they feel sorry for the time for this). And communicating with them is always a holiday! A lot of warmth and love for life comes from them! Charge of positive!
Most successful people love what they do and make sure to look after their appearance. There should be no trifles here. That is why they are successful! But still, spiritual fulfillment is important.
I remember for the rest of my life the old man, the grandfather of my friend. Just a few hours of communication with him have enriched me for many years! He celebrated his birthday that day.
And it was like this. On the day off, I was absolutely free. On the street, I met a friend who was on her way to congratulate her grandfather on his birthday. She offered to keep her company. I agreed.
Grandfather, the owner of a small estate, in an old, faded, but ironed shirt, about 80 years old, invited us to the table. The table setting surprised me so much that my eyes filled with tears.
Imagine the festive table was set for tea. Several glass vases filled with jam and honey, cookie squares on a small plate were arranged lovingly. Tea set, spoons … Everything is very nice, but the most unusual thing was that old postcards and photographs were placed between the cups!
He turned 96 that day. There were three of us, but it was very fun, cozy and comfortable. The owner was filled with positive, humor and optimism.
We drank some tea. Then the grandfather “dived” into the cellar for a bottle of homemade wine. And then there was a guitar and a unique evening in the yard of the birthday man’s house. A big bush of blooming jasmine and the most beautiful romances!
“White acacia bunches of fragrant all night long drove us crazy …”
A grandfather in an old shirt radiated a lot of warmth and love of life. And when a person is filled with kindness, light, then it makes no difference how old his shirt is.
Clothing defines consciousness
When you put on a good expensive suit, a person’s appearance changes – you feel different. The mood can rise and new reserves of energy are miraculously opened. Conversely, putting on old, unclean clothes that make you look ridiculous or even sloppy, you experience weakness, awkwardness and self-doubt.
Appearance + inner world of a person = personality
Friends and loved ones are pleased to be with a person from whom they give off cleanliness and freshness. But as a rule, a person who is unkempt in appearance is often the same in deeds and actions.
It is inadmissible even at home (where outsiders cannot see you) to walk in an untidy state. In an old washed robe or in a tracksuit with extended knees.
Understand that you will not hide from yourself. If you are successful, harmony is everywhere: in your head, in your clothes, in your thoughts and in life. A person’s appearance can tell a lot: about taste, about wealth, about character, about upbringing.
Dress modestly and neatly. This earns the respect of others than a brand on an unkempt and unkempt person. Maintaining a proper look is not difficult.
Elementary things:
- hair must be clean;
- take a shower daily;
- take care of the healthy condition of your teeth;
- in the daytime, discreet, natural makeup;
- neat manicure;
- measure in gold jewelry;
- wear clothes that suit you. Don’t imitate others;
- diamonds and dark outfits, only in the evening;
- don’t forget to smile! Looking gloomy won’t help you to be successful;
- “To change your life, you just need to change clothes” Tips from Evelina Khromchenko
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