HPV virus – causes six types of cancer. Infection affects up to 80 percent. adults

Three in ten adults have never heard of HPV, the human papillomavirus, reports the British gynecological cancer charity. HPV is responsible for the majority of cervical cancer cases, but it also causes cancer in men. “HPV affects everyone, it can be transmitted by everyone, and it can lead to cancer in any body. HPV has no gender ».

  1. HPV is the human papillomavirus, primarily responsible for the development of cervical cancer
  2. Up to 80 percent are in contact with HPV. people in the world, most of them pass the infection, often even knowing about it
  3. The highest number of HPV infections in men and women occurs between the ages of 15 and 25.
  4. What else is worth knowing about HPV?
  5. More information can be found on the TvoiLokony home page

What is HPV?

HPV (Human Papillomavirus) is the human papillomavirus that has between 100 and 200 strains. Several of them are highly oncogenic. HPV is responsible for over 90 percent. cases of cervical cancer, leads to the development of cancer also in men, causes a total of several types of cancer.

Three in ten adults have never heard of HPV, warns The Sun, based on a survey commissioned by The Eve Appeal, the UK gynecological cancer charity.

  1. HPV symptoms – signs of infection, signs and symptoms. HPV and the development of cervical cancer

It is worth noting that about 70-80 percent. sexually active people under the age of 50 will pass HPV infection, in most cases without knowing it. The prevalence and the so-called the oncogenic potential of each type of HPV is different.

“HPV affects everyone, it can be transmitted by everyone, and it can lead to cancer in any body. HPV has no gender »says Athena Lamnisos, CEO of The Eve Appeal, emphasizing the importance of education in this subject.

So what is worth knowing about the HPV virus?

HPV can cause at least six cancers

Human papillomavirus is often left undisturbed, but when HPV becomes chronically infected, it can lead to several cancers, the most common of which is cervical cancer (estimated to be responsible for at least 95% of cases).

In addition, it can cause anal cancer (90%), vulvar cancer (40%), vaginal cancer (40%), throat cancer (12%) and oral cancer (3%).

High-risk HPV strains can cause changes to the DNA inside cells, causing them to behave differently. Over time, the affected cells can start to get out of control and eventually lead to cancer.

HPV causes genital warts

Some HPV strains can cause genital warts that are spread through sexual contact.

  1. HPV (human papillomavirus) – symptoms, stages of infection. HPV and cervical cancer

Warts can appear as small flesh-colored bumps or cauliflower-like clusters around the vulva, penile shaft, or anus. They can also develop in the mouth or throat of someone who has had sexual contact with an infected person.

Some types of HPV affect the skin of other parts of the body, mainly the hands and feet.

HPV is spread through sexual contact

HPV is transmitted through sexual contact – including anal and oral sex and mutual masturbation. The virus can also be transmitted using the same sex gadgets.

  1. Every tenth man infected with HPV

To prevent infection, it is recommended that you use a condom during sex, oral sex, and the use of sex toys. In the latter case, if not a condom, at least thoroughly washing can prevent contamination.

It should be remembered that condoms do not protect 100%. before infection, but significantly reduce the likelihood of transmission of HPV and other sexually transmitted diseases.

The presence of HPV does not mean your partner was cheating

If your partner tests positive for HPV, this does not necessarily mean that he or she has had sex with someone else during your relationship. HPV can stay in the body for many years and not show up.

Genital warts can appear several years after infection. There is no way to know exactly when it took place.

In many cases, the immune system clears HPV from the body over time without any symptoms, usually two to three years after infection.

  1. Unwanted “ornaments”

HPV is asymptomatic

People infected with HPV will in most cases show no symptoms – unless it causes genital warts.

«Most people are unaware that they have infections because they don’t always cause symptoms. But that doesn’t mean they don’t exist, ”says Dr. Naomi Sutton.

In the case of HPV infection, the source of the symptoms that occur is not the virus itself, but the simultaneous bacterial and fungal infection overlapping each other.

There is a vaccine against HPV

The human papillomavirus vaccine does not protect against all types of HPV, but it provides immunity against the most dangerous and neoplastic variants.

  1. HPV – a vaccination that does not exist

Its effectiveness is greatest in the case of girls and boys, therefore it is recommended that it be administered to young people aged 11–12 years, before they have sexual initiation.

HPV causes almost all cancers of the cervix

About 95-99 percent. Cervical cancer cases are caused by high-risk HPV strains.

The two oncogenic and most common types of HPV16 and HPV18 are responsible for the development of as much as 70-80%. cases of cervical cancer. The five most common oncogenic types of HPV – HPV 16, 18, 31, 33 and 45 – are responsible for the development of nearly 98 percent. cases of cervical cancer.

A positive HPV Pap test is not cancer

Women can get HPV positive after a Pap smear test. This does not mean they have cervical cancer. Rather, it means that they will have to do more regular checkups to make sure HPV doesn’t develop.

  1. A mail-order diagnostic test for HPV infection is available at Medonet Market

If the infection is a weak severity, the cervical smear should be performed every 6 months.

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