HPV vaccinations – prophylaxis, mandatory procedure, side effects

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HPV vaccinations are the achievements of modern medicine. They protect women against the development of neoplastic changes in the cervix, as well as against some types of vaginal and vulvar cancer, caused by the HPV virus. The HPV vaccine is 100 percent effective if given in a timely manner.

HPV prophylaxis and vaccine

This type of prophylaxis is used to prevent human papillomavirus infection. Thanks HPV vaccinations the organism’s susceptibility to types 6 and 11 as well as 16 and 18 viruses, which are considered the most dangerous and responsible for more than 70 percent of cervical cancer cases, is ruled out.

Although currently HPV vaccination are the most effective method to protect against HPV infection, the traditional one prevention also plays a huge role. Pap tests, which have been cyclically carried out on women for over 50 years, are also of great value.

If there is a suspicion of HPV infection, a mail-order diagnostic test for HPV infection can also be performed, which consists in analyzing the submitted sample for different genotypes of this virus.

  1. Why do a cytology?

In many countries, more advanced methods are used diagnostics in this direction, which also includes molecular (genetic) research. This type of research is able to determine whether a given patient, who even has an erosion, is at risk of developing a neoplastic process or not. The molecular test that complements cytology answers this question excellently, but obviously cannot replace the cytology itself.


Girls are first vaccinated with HPV, but researchers have also seen great benefits when boys are also vaccinated. They are often the carriers of the HPV virus.

HPV vaccine – a mandatory procedure

Vaccinations are performed in girls over 11 years of age, but under the age of 12. It is important that the vaccine is given before a teenager starts sexual activity. However, it is worth getting vaccinated at any age, but vaccinating younger women gives much better results. Regarding the effectiveness of vaccination at a later age, your GP or obstetrician can provide the most information. You should also be aware that vaccination does not cure disease processes that are already underway.

The HPV vaccine is administered intramuscularly in three doses. No more than 8 weeks should elapse between the first and second doses. The third dose is given at least 6 months after the first injection. The entire vaccination course must be completed within a year.

HPV vaccination – side effects and possible complications

After serving HPV vaccines sometimes you get fever or even faint, but these symptoms disappear rather quickly. Less commonly, patients develop allergic reactions, and very rarely, inflammation of the nerves, i.e. Guillain-Barre syndrome, occurs.

Some vaccine may have effects such as injection site pain, redness, itching, swelling, fatigue, headache and muscle pain. Sometimes there are chest pains and general weakness. These symptoms they appear mainly when standing, and decrease or disappear when lying down. These effects are attributed to preparations called Gardasil.

  1. Headaches in the course of other ailments

HPV vaccination – vaccines available in Poland

There are three types of vaccines available in Poland. The first is Cervarix, which is given against HPV types 16 and 18. The second vaccine is Silgard. This preparation protects the body against the effects of four types of HPV, number 6, 11, 16 and 18.

The mentioned Gardasil is the agent with the broadest spectrum of activity and protects against invasion of as many as seven carcinogenic types of HPV, assigned numbers 16, 18, 31, 33, 45, 52 and 58, as well as two other types of virus marked with numbers 6 and 11.

Worth knowing

However, each of these vaccines is effective when given three doses. By omitting any of them, the body will not acquire immunity in this area.

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