HPV is one of the smallest viruses. It increases the risk of cancer by a factor of 600

If a person smokes cigarettes, their risk of lung cancer increases 10 times. If someone is positive for a highly oncogenic HPV virus (e.g. the most dangerous HPV 16, responsible for half of deaths from cervical cancer), the probability of serious health complications resulting from infection increases 600-fold.

  1. The papillomavirus (HPV) is so small that the condom does not protect against transmission, but only reduces the risk by 15%.
  2. There are many types of papilloma viruses. Most only cause minor, harmless warts
  3. 14 types are so-called highly oncogenic viruses, which are associated with a very high risk of cancer
  4. The most common way of infection is sexual contact, including oral and manual contact. Approx. 30 percent of cases of laryngeal cancer is caused by the HPV virus – says Grzegorz Głąb, MD, a specialist in gynecology and obstetrics
  5. You can find more up-to-date information on the TvoiLokony home page

The papillomavirus (HPV) is one of the smallest and one of the simplest viruses in terms of structure. It is so small that the condom does not protect against the transmission of infection, but only reduces the risk by 15%. The virus consists of only two proteins, one of which is visible to the immune system and the other is invisible, which has been used in the production of HPV vaccines, among other things.

A little virus, great oncogeneity

There are a lot of papillomaviruses. The vast majority of over 200 types are viruses that can cause mild changes on the skin or mucous membranes, such as small, harmless warts. However, 14 types – known to us for at least 15 years – are so-called highly oncogenic viruses. Their presence is strongly associated with the probability of neoplastic transformation.

The papillomavirus has 7 genes, 2 of which are oncogenes, i.e. genes that become active when they enter cells – for example, epithelial cells – and lead to serious disturbances in metabolism. An HPV infection can transform a healthy cell into a cancerous one – for example, squamous cell carcinoma cells can develop from squamous epithelial cells. The process is not sudden, but slow and stepwise.

In our country, there is little awareness of the potential health consequences of HPV infection. According to a study conducted by my students this spring, in which more than 2000 women participated, the acronym HPV is associated more often with a new car model than with infection with a potentially dangerous virus. In addition, most women, even though they are knowledgeable about HPV, believe that they are not concerned with papillomavirus infections and the health consequences of these infections.

Cervical cancer and other cancers – the effects of HPV infection

The HPV virus is mainly responsible for the induction of cervical cancer, but also other tumors dependent on HPV infection, such as vaginal cancer, vulvar cancer, and squamous cell carcinoma of the anus. Increasingly, there is also talk of head and neck neoplasms caused by HPV infection – 1/3 of laryngeal cancers are caused by this infectious factor. However, most infections affect the surface of the cervix.

HPV viruses are not spread by droplets, but by direct contact. Most often it is sexual behavior – not only traditional genital-genital intercourse but also oral-genital and manual-genital intercourse. Because, unlike viruses that cause acute infections, such as the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus, HPV infection does not cause stormy symptoms, and the disease caused by papillomavirus infection can develop in stages and in a long time. Patients are unaware of being infected for years. The infection is initially asymptomatic and is invisible to the naked eye during ordinary medical examination.

  1. HPV – HIV of the XNUMXst century?

Pap smear test – detects the effects of HPV activity

The most common diagnostic test for HPV infection in our country is a pap smear test. Compared to more modern diagnostic methods, it has a lower sensitivity – about 60-65%. The cytological examination does not detect the papillomavirus itself, but only the consequences of tissue infection with this pathogen. However, before these changes appear, a long time passes – even several years from the moment of infection. This is because the virus enters the cervical epithelial cells, which are located in the lower layers of this tissue. It therefore takes a long time for the cells in the underlying layers of the epithelium to be on the surface as a result of the physiological exfoliation of the epithelium.

The test that can detect HPV infection 2-4 years earlier is colposcopy. It consists in staining the cervix with two chemical reagents and assessing the color of the places covered with pigments. Areas of tissue that are infected with the papillomavirus stain a different color than uninfected tissues.

The most accurate test that detects carriers – not even knowing about their infection – is the PCR test. Thanks to it, the genes of the HPV virus are detected. A positive result indicates carrier; it is not a sign that you are ill, but you are nevertheless at risk. Depending on the type of tests used for the study, the accuracy of the result is estimated at 95-96%.

  1. HPV vaccine – why is it worth getting vaccinated? HPV vaccination and cervical cancer [EXPLAINED]

Effective prevention of HPV infections is now available

For almost 15 years, we have had preventive vaccinations, thanks to which the body of the vaccinated person produces protective antibodies against HPV viruses. You can get vaccinated at any age, but the optimal time is before sexual initiation, when young girls have not yet had sexual contact with anyone who might be infected.

Pharmacies also offer preparations for a specific group of women: who are carriers of HPV viruses, but have not yet started to get sick, which means that they do not have changes of either low or high intensity. Before being released for use, these preparations are tested on women who have contracted the papillomavirus. This applies to a fresh infection, i.e. the HPV viruses are in the mucus but have not yet penetrated into the cells and the stage of changes at the level of the epithelium has not started. These products are new, however, the results already available indicate that at least 50 percent. women, using these measures, is able to get rid of the HPV virus from the vagina within six months. Therefore, it is known that these are effective preparations.

  1. HPV symptoms – signs of infection, signs and symptoms. HPV and the development of cervical cancer

If an integrated infection has already occurred, these preparations will not repair the damage caused by the virus to the epithelial cells. Likewise, the vaccine cannot restore health to a person who has already embarked on the cascade of developing HPV-induced lesions.

The article comes from the campaign “It’s not talked about – embarrassing diseases” prepared by Warsaw Press, and the media partner of which is MedTvoiLokony. All materials can be found on http://otymsieniemowi.warsawpress.com/

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  2. Every year, three thousand Polish women join the group of patients. Half of them die
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