HPV – HIV of the XNUMXst century?

Iga received the cytology result. She did the examination in an aesthetic medicine clinic. Abnormal ACS epithelial cells were found. It was further said that squamous squamous epithelial cells mature properly, and among them there are single, abnormal cells difficult to interpret unequivocally. Inflammatory reaction was found – control indicated in six months. Iga was shocked. She always had a “one” cytology like a virgin.

As part of our campaign “We choose the truth”, we recall selected texts from TvoiLokona that influenced the reality around us. In the coming months, more articles from the series will be presented on the TvoiLokony home page.

Risk of HPV infection

She rushed to her gynecologist with the result. “You most likely have HPV,” he said authoritatively. – Have a test every six months for cervical cancer. – What? Iga was surprised. She was faithful to her partner, she had no way of getting infected with the human papillomavirus. She came home crying. In the evening, she picked up the phone. A doctor from an aesthetic medicine clinic called. – Please come for your tests, we’ll do your tests. Please do not part with your fiancé yet, let’s wait for the results – the doctor said. – There’s a 50/50 percent chance you have the virus.

Iga went to research. – Doctor, is HPV contagious? Because if so, I will be single for life – she cried in the office. The doctor did not remain indifferent. – Don’t cry. HPV is contagious and can be caught through intercourse. A condom does not protect against disease because there are still areas of the genitalia not covered with a rubber band.

– Calm down – the doctor continued consolingly – among two hundred strains, only some are highly oncogenic – the doctor said. – I’ll do your colposcopy, please take your chair. Iga sat down on the gynecological chair and the doctor examined the cervix under a microscope. “You are well,” she concluded her recognition. “And you are doing well,” she added, laughing. “I will do full spectrum HPV tests to stop you being hysterical.” Iga nodded.

What is HPV?

HPV (Human Papillomavirus) is a human papillomavirus which has about 200 strains. Several of them (16, 18, 31, 33, 35, 39, 45, 51, 52, 56, 58, 59, 68, 73, 82) are highly oncogenic, so you must be unlucky to become seriously ill. The virus is common – it is infected by oral, anal or vaginal contact. Women get sick more often, but – beware – it becomes more and more difficult to get infected with age. The apogee of the disease is between the ages of 40 and 50. Most infections do not cause any symptoms and pass after two years. Oncogenic strains increase the risk of developing cervical cancer by 500 times. HPV DNA is present in 99,7 percent. cases of cervical cancer, it also causes rarer organ cancers – cancer of the anus, vagina or vulva, as well as throat and tongue. HPV infection is asymptomatic, therefore carriers very often do not know about the disease, which favors its spread.

HPV not only in women

Women get sick more often, but men also get the human papillomavirus – they can get squamous cell carcinoma of the penis. They become infected less frequently, but spread the disease more often.

Contrary to stereotypes, vaccination against the human papillomavirus is recommended not only for girls, but also for boys. The vaccine is not the cheapest – in some regions of Poland it has been periodically reimbursed by local governments for a long time, those who are not so lucky will pay about PLN 900 for two vaccinations. From 2020, the vaccine was to be free throughout Poland, unfortunately, the project did not come to fruition. Will it change? We asked the Minister of Health Łukasz Szumowski about it.

Łukasz Szumowski, Minister of Health

Vaccination against human papillomavirus (HPV) has a scientifically proven effect in preventing cancer, especially cervical cancer. HPV vaccinations are recommended at the moment, but all costs must be paid. We want to change that. All actions to reduce the risk of cancer are important, and HPV vaccination is considered the most important in this regard. That is why the program of reimbursed protective vaccinations against HPV has been included in the National Oncological Strategy as part of cancer prevention. It assumes that, from 2021, vaccinations for girls in adolescence will be refunded. Then we will have full access to the vaccine. Also then, we will begin educational programs and public campaigns about the health benefits of HPV vaccination. It is worth adding that these vaccinations are another preventive measure in cervical cancer, and free cytology is available for women today. One of our priorities is changes in oncology and improvement of cancer treatment.

We are currently the only country in the European Union that does not provide HPV vaccines. Meanwhile, it should be adopted by every child over nine years of age, it is important that it occurs before the first sexual activity.

The statistics are shocking – cervical cancer is the second most common cancer worldwide. Each year, over 200 die from this disease. women. The number of cases in Poland is growing, which is related to the increasing sexual openness of our compatriots. Annually 3 Polish women become infected with HPV. Half of them die.

Cervical cancer – stages of disease development

The development of the tumor can be divided into four stages: initial (i.e. infection), then integration with the epithelium, then the pre-neoplastic period, and finally the tumor develops, which, if left untreated, ends in death. In the first two stages, we may still have a vaccine that may help. Then it’s too late. A rescue may be the excision of the part of the cervix that is covered by the neoplastic lesion.

Iga did not admit to her partner that she had tested for HPV. She decided to remain faithful to her partner as long as they stayed together. Iga is 32 years old.

The editorial board recommends:

  1. The five cancers from which Polish women die most often
  2. What are the most common symptoms of female cancers? This must worry you
  3. Increasingly younger women suffer from gynecological tumors. Why are they losing the fight against cancer?

For a long time you have not been able to find the cause of your ailments or are you still looking for it? Do you want to tell us your story or draw attention to a common health problem? Write to the address [email protected] #Together we can do more

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