Hozblok with a shower for a summer residence

Most suburban areas have a small area. To accommodate all the necessary buildings on it, the owner tries to make them small. Country buildings No. 1 are a toilet, a shed and a shower. It is convenient to place them in a small area allows a compact structure – hozblok. The design is a multifunctional building, divided into separate rooms. Building a household block for a summer residence with a toilet and a shower is no more difficult than building an ordinary barn. To verify this, we offer several interesting projects for review.

Briefly about the design features of the hozblok

Hozblok with a shower for a summer residence

The dacha hozblok is a combined building, consisting of several rooms, different in purpose. Typically, a household block for a summer residence combines a shower and a toilet. The third compartment can be a room reserved for a barn or pantry. If you approach the construction of a summer cottage on a grand scale, then inside you can equip a garage, and even a place to relax. The dimensions of the building are selected individually. It all depends on the wishes of the owner, the number of separate rooms, as well as the availability of free space in the summer cottage.

All the advantages and disadvantages of building a utility block

Hozblok with a shower for a summer residence

The advantages of a country house are obvious. The hozblok allows you to combine many buildings in itself, saving space as much as possible. However, this decision is not always appropriate. Let’s look at the positive and negative side of this combined design.

First, let’s highlight the main advantages of the hozblok:

  • It is cheaper to build several objects under one roof than to build each separately. First of all, this is due to the saving of building material.
  • One large building looks aesthetically pleasing, in contrast to the toilet cubicles, showers and a separate barn scattered around the summer cottage.
  • In construction, the combined design is no more difficult than the manufacture of each cabin and shed separately. Therefore, to build a hozblok for a summer residence with your own hands is available to every person.
  • During the construction of a utility block, not only money and materials are saved, but also time. Some operations for the manufacture of a separate part of the structure have to be performed only once.

Now let’s find out why the combined building may not please the owner:

  • The big minus of the hozblok is the toilet. Unpleasant smells of sewage will penetrate into the neighboring premises. You will have to take care of good ventilation and sealing of the bathroom.
  • The aesthetics of one large building is not always appropriate, since it is sometimes difficult to conveniently place a building near a residential building.
  • Facilities such as showers and toilets are specific. When attaching them to a garage or barn, you will have to face additional difficulties.

After weighing all the positive and negative qualities, you can proceed to the construction of a household block in the country.

Important! When drawing up a building project, it is important to carefully consider its layout. An ill-conceived shower or toilet will impair the comfort of using each room for its intended purpose.

Several projects of country hozblok

The utility block is a serious structure that requires a project. On paper, you need to draw a diagram indicating all the dimensions of the structure, the number of partitions and other important nodes.

Hozblok with a shower for a summer residence

To help the summer resident, for acquaintance, we suggest considering several interesting projects of the hozblok. Maybe one of them and build your structure.

The first project

Hozblok with a shower for a summer residence

The diagram shows a utility block with dimensions of 2×4 m. The layout is very successful, since the toilet and shower are separated by a third room reserved for the pantry. Thanks to this, unpleasant odors from the toilet will not penetrate into the shower stall, but good ventilation must be made in the pantry. Each compartment has its own door, and the pantry is additionally equipped with a window.

Second project

Hozblok with a shower for a summer residence

The second project similarly represents a utility block with three compartments. The design difference is the presence of one entrance door. There are windows on the front wall of the other two rooms. The rooms are interconnected by internal passage doors. Which of the rooms to give for a shower, a shed and a toilet is up to the owner himself. Although it is reasonable to make the middle compartment a barn, it is inconvenient to enter the utility block through a shower or toilet.

Third project

Hozblok with a shower for a summer residence

This hozblok project is represented by a common box measuring 5×2,3 m. Each compartment has an entrance door. The layout of the rooms is different. The toilet borders the shower, and two small rooms are reserved for them. Most of the building has been converted into a barn.

Fourth project

Hozblok with a shower for a summer residence

The last of the presented projects is the most difficult, but convenient. The layout is made in such a way that all three compartments are adjacent to each other. Most of the hozblok given over to the barn. Each room has its own door, and located on different sides of the building.

Independent construction of a hozblok

So, the project is ready, we are starting to build a utility block with a shower, a shed and a toilet in the country. The building can be built from any building material. Country buildings are always trying to be made cheaper and easier, so let’s focus on a wooden structure. A columnar foundation is best suited for such a building, and we will make the roof from corrugated board.

Attention! When erecting a brick block, it is better to pour a strip foundation with a reinforcing frame under the building.

Hozblok with a shower for a summer residence

Site selection

Despite its compactness, the hozblok is still an overall structure. It must be successfully located on a summer cottage so that the building is in harmony with the house and the layout of the yard.

Hozblok with a shower for a summer residence

When choosing a place for a hozblok, it must be taken into account that a drain pit will be needed for the toilet and shower. The choice of its location is due to sanitary standards. They take into account the distance to water sources, residential buildings, green spaces, a neighbor’s fence, etc. Important parameters that should be observed when choosing a location for installing a utility block are shown in the photo.

Comment! If the aesthetic location of the hozblok does not coincide with the requirements of sanitary rules, you can resort to a little trick. The building is erected where it is most suitable for the layout of the yard, and the cesspool is equipped according to sanitary standards somewhere to the side. The only drawback will be the additional cost of laying a sewer pipe to drain sewage from the toilet and shower into the pit.

Laying the foundation

Hozblok with a shower for a summer residence

For the construction of a wooden utility block, we settled on a columnar foundation. Before laying it, it is necessary to mark the place of installation of the pillars. It is important to know here that the maximum distance between the supports is 2 m. Each pillar is set at the same level, and the diagonals between adjacent corners are made equal to each other.

Holes are dug under the supports. The utility block is a capital structure, so it is better to take the depth of the pits below the freezing level of the soil. For each region, this indicator is different, but not less than 80 cm. The bottom of the pit is covered with a layer of sand and gravel 15 cm thick. Supports can be erected from the available material at hand. As an option, the cabinet is laid out on a cement mortar made of brick or cinder block. It is possible to install asbestos or metal pipes with a diameter of 150–200 mm in the pits and concrete them. The construction of the frame begins after the concrete has completely solidified.

Important! Before installing the wooden frame, the surface of the foundation supports is waterproofed with pieces of roofing material.

Assembling the frame

Hozblok with a shower for a summer residence

The construction of a wooden hozblok with a barn, a toilet and a shower for a summer residence begins with the assembly of the frame:

  • From a bar with a section of 100×100 mm, the lower trim of the frame is assembled. The frame will play the role of the base of the wooden house. It is installed on the supports of the columnar foundation, aligning strictly according to the level.
  • Vertical racks are attached to the installed frame made of timber with a section of 100×50 mm. The distance between them should not be more than 400 mm. Be sure to put racks in the corners of the structure, and additional ones in place of door and window openings.
  • From above, the racks are fastened with a strapping of timber. The frame is made identical to the one that was made for the lower harness. Racks at the corners are reinforced with struts. They will give stability to the frame.

When the whole box is fully assembled, proceed to the manufacture of the roof.

Roof frame assembly

Hozblok with a shower for a summer residence

The next stage in the construction of a summer house hozblok provides for the arrangement of the roof frame. The best option is a pitched roof. Rafters are made from a bar with a section of 100×50 mm. To do this, a support post is placed on the front side and a slope is made from it. The rafters on the utility block are set in increments of 600 mm, so their number is easy to calculate along the length of the building.

Each rafter is attached to the upper trim of the frame. Between themselves they are knocked down with a board 20 mm thick. This will be the crate to which the corrugated board will be attached. The step of the elements of the crate is approximately 400 mm, but it all depends on the stiffness of the sheet and the slope of the slope.

Sheathing frame and interior work

Hozblok with a shower for a summer residence

Sheathing of the hozblok frame begins with roofing. Roofing material waterproofing is laid on the crate. A corrugated board is laid on top, and each sheet is screwed with galvanized self-tapping screws with a rubber gasket.

The walls of the frame are sheathed with wooden clapboard. The board can be mounted vertically or horizontally at the request of the owner. Inside the compartment of the hozblok, allotted for a barn, logs are laid on the floor, and flooring is made of grooved boards. In the toilet, a toilet seat is knocked down, and the floors are similarly covered with a board. The floor of the shower stall can be concreted or an acrylic tray with a ready-made drain can be installed. The final work is the hinged doors and the installation of windows.

The video tells about the construction of a hozblok at the dacha:

Hozblok for four days and a terrace on tires // FORUMHOUSE

Inside, each room of the hozblok is finished at its discretion. The walls in the shower and toilet are optimally sheathed with plastic clapboard. Inside the shed, sheathing can be made of plywood or fiberboard.


We considered the simplest option for building a hozblok at the dacha. There are also projects with terraces, garages and other comfort elements, but they all occupy a large area of ​​​​the summer cottage.

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