How you can program yourself for success using the simplest methods of working on yourself

Good day to all! Today I want to tell you about how you can move forward to success with the help of self-hypnosis. After all, programming for success is the ability to influence your subconscious with the power of thought in order to achieve the desired results.

In the article “Why success depends only on the person himself and no one else”, we examined the fact that a successful result in all endeavors depends only on the person. Or rather, from his inner mood, responsibility and development of certain qualities. Therefore, the ability to program yourself correctly leads to success. Which means moving forward, self-development, the ability to set goals and implement them step by step.

Well, are you ready to get started? To get started, choose a time and place so that no one will disturb you. Turn off your phone accordingly and warn loved ones so that they do not distract. Choose the most attractive methods for yourself and do them as often as possible.

Programming methods for a successful result

1. «Director of life»

Imagine a few situations that are most meaningful to you. It’s like a movie or a play. And myself as a director and at the same time an actor. Then play each situation from all roles in 4 genres: first in the form of a tragedy, then a philosophical parable, a comedy, and an action movie.

This technique shows that only our attitude towards the same situation matters and influences the outcome. We ourselves determine in which genre we want to move towards the goal, while it is important to be able to look at life from different angles. And rewrite the script that did not suit.

2. «Magnet of luck»

How you can program yourself for success using the simplest methods of working on yourself

Remember the state when you felt lucky, confident, and try to keep it as long as possible. And at the same time imagine yourself as a magnet that attracts this feeling to you from everywhere. After all, the outside world is a continuation of your inner self, while you attract favorable circumstances to yourself, as a guarantee of the successful implementation of your plans.

A positive mindset is very effective. I am sure you have noticed that there are times when luck follows luck, or vice versa, even the saying is “trouble does not come alone.” This is just due to our internal mood. After all, if we notice every small favorable moment, even in the form of a ruble found on the floor or the last bread bought in the store, we will subconsciously consider ourselves a winner. And if, at the same time, we assign ourselves the proud title of a lucky person, then luck is guaranteed.

3. «Float»

Imagine the sea during a storm, as the waves roll over one another, with such force that a roar is heard. And in the water, a swaying float, which is either on the very crest of the wave, or is hidden under it, eventually surfacing again to the surface, despite the full power of the blow. Now imagine that you are in the middle of a stormy life, and, despite the strength and magnitude of the difficulties and problems, you emerge again and again, not letting yourself be drowned. Finally, the sea, unable to defeat you, calms down, there is calm and the sun, peeking out from behind the clouds, fills you with happiness and confidence.

4. Four options

Take one situation that is significant to you and that causes anxiety about the outcome. And consider four options for the development of events not in your favor. What is so terrible that can happen? Imagine the possible consequences. Then, for each negative outcome, come up with several options for a positive ending.

Thanks to this exercise, you will come up with strategies for dealing with difficulties, you will feel more aware and prepared. And the opportunity to imagine failure legalizes the energy of fear, as a result of which you will feel much more confident. In addition, we often doubt and fear, especially without understanding what exactly. It’s scary to lose, it seems clear.

But if you think about it, what will happen then, or what such a terrible thing will happen to me in case of a loss? And most often, it turns out that in principle it is possible to live, the world will not collapse … Then there is much less fear and we will move towards the goal more confidently, and this is already the key to success.

5. «Anchor»

Remember the brightest moment in your life when you achieved your goal, despite the obstacles. Try to re-live the emotions that you experienced at that moment. As soon as you clearly feel them, clench your fist tightly, “anchoring” this state. And in the future, when difficulties arise on your way, clench your fist, remembering the feelings of the winner. And then you will cope with any difficulties.

This technique is borrowed from NLP, you can read more here: “What is NLP and how it can help you without training and practice.

6.Favorite color

Think about what color you associate with confidence. Then close your eyes and let this color flow through your body. Clearly imagine how you inhale it with a point between the eyes on the forehead, and it spreads through every cell of your body. Every muscle, every nerve is filled with this color, it fills you and gives you confidence.

7. Technique «Tank»

Imagine that your target is at the top of a high mountain. And on the way to it there are many obstacles in the form of fallen trees, mountain rivers, canyons and steep cliffs. Mentally work your way through each one, allowing your subconscious mind to come up with a flood of options for you to take advantage of. And then address each obstacle with the question of how it can be overcome. Thus, you will learn to find a compromise and negotiate with those who created the difficulty. Giving him recognition of his power while continuing to move towards his goal.


After performing any exercise and in general at the end of the working day, it is very important to give your body the opportunity to rest. There are many stressful moments in life, after which exhaustion can occur. You need to take care of yourself and your resources. Take a comfortable position. Breathe slowly and deeply. Inhale and exhale from the abdomen, which should protrude when you inhale.

Then remember some place where you felt very good and comfortable. Imagine all the details, mentally look around and consider everything around. With every minute the picture will be clearer and brighter. Spend 20 minutes in this place, just as calmly, inhaling and exhaling deeply. Then slowly open your eyes. You will feel energized and empowered.


How you can program yourself for success using the simplest methods of working on yourself

  1. Use affirmations daily. These are formulas of positive auto-suggestion that you need to repeat to yourself daily. They work best when you say them right after waking up or right before bed. Examples: “I am calm and confident”, “I am doing great”, “I am always lucky”, “I am aware and feel my strength”, and so on. Come up with a positive statement for yourself or choose from the suggested ones, and in 21 days you will see and feel the result. You can read more about affirmations here: “How to program yourself for success with the help of affirmations.”
  2. Do sports daily. And no matter what type you choose, an active lifestyle and physical activity will stimulate the enjoyment of life. Cheerfulness and a charge of energy will give confidence and activity.
  3. Learn to manage your time. Discover your desires, set goals, define tasks, plan, and also set priorities correctly. You can read how to do all this in the article «What is time management or how to effectively manage your time.»
  4. Surround yourself with things you love, nice and positive people. A comfortable environment and positive emotions will make you satisfied with your life.
  5. Visualize. Imagine in the smallest detail the effect you want to achieve. This will serve as a motivation for action, activity, and will also help in the process of achieving the goal. After all, if you have not decided what exactly you want, but only vaguely imagine the result, it will be difficult to plan the process of implementing tasks.


That’s all, dear readers! Look for opportunities, not excuses, take risks and act like the leaders of large corporations, which I wrote about in the article «Real success stories of big business with a worldwide reputation and how they started.» Rely on your internal resources. With the help of the above exercises, you will be able to discover your own unique abilities that will help you reach the top.

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