How will you spend this year’s picnic? [PROBE]
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The number of new COVID-19 infections is declining. Virologist prof. Gut recently pointed out that after another increase, we entered a period of stabilization. “The sick person has improved” – said the specialist, emphasizing that what happens next will depend on our behavior, especially during the picnic. What are your plans for this long-awaited time? Share it with us, take part in our poll.

May weekend 2021 in sanitary regime

We are all waiting for the picnic, although it will not be such a carefree time as before the pandemic. We know for sure that we will not reserve a hotel room – in accordance with applicable restrictions, they are closed until May 3 inclusive. However, there are still many options. What we choose will depend on the further development of the epidemic.

As a virologist prof. Włodzimierz Gut, after another increase in the number of coronavirus infections, we are in a period of stabilization, from which, however, we can go either up or down. “Depending on people’s behavior,” noted the virologist. The May Day plans fit into this perfectly. Take part in our poll and answer a few short questions about the upcoming May weekend.

Please note that our poll is not a professional opinion poll and should not be treated as such.

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  1. What to plan for a picnic? Doctor: the restrictions are effective
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Are you planning family gatherings during the picnic?

No, it’s not time for that yet
I do not know yet

Will you spend a picnic with a larger group of friends?

No, it’s too early for that
I do not know yet

Will you go away for the long weekend in May?

Yes, I will spend it in Poland, on walks and trips
Yes, I’m going abroad
No, I’d rather stay home
I do not have plans yet

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