How, when, how much and why should you brush your teeth?

The oral cavity is one of the most polluted cavities in the human body. Therefore, the question of how to properly brush your teeth is very relevant for maintaining their health.

The process of brushing your teeth is a hygienic procedure aimed at removing food debris and soft plaque that forms during the day from their surface. Oral hygiene is carried out using a toothbrush and other devices, such as dental floss.

If you ignore the need to brush your teeth or perform this procedure poorly, this can provoke the development of caries and other inflammatory processes in the oral cavity.

Why do I need to brush my teeth?

How, when, how much and why should you brush your teeth?

Reason 1: grinding food. Healthy teeth and their correct placement adorn the appearance of a person, but the advantages of teeth do not end there. Our mouth is the first mechanism of the digestive tract. Food in the mouth is not only chewed with teeth, but also soaked in saliva, which facilitates its further digestion in the stomach and intestines. Food that is not saturated with saliva is poorly absorbed by the body. As you understand, only people with healthy teeth can process the food they eat well.

Reason 2: clarity of speech. Teeth are involved in sound extraction. Without them, we won’t be able to speak clearly. The loss of several teeth or their incorrect development can adversely affect the clarity of speech. Even with the loss of one front tooth, the child’s speech will become lisping. Children with such a defect in the teeth may stop communicating, become boring for their peers. As a result, such a child may become withdrawn, move away from society, his character may change.

Reason 3: dental health. Diseases such as caries and its complications can be easily prevented. You can also prevent improper tooth growth in childhood. For this, preventive and hygienic measures should be taken. If they are ignored, then complications will arise, and the treatment will be longer and more expensive.

Note that the presence of diseased teeth is unacceptable, since bacteria from a diseased tooth can easily pass into other organs of the body, which will lead to a disease of the whole organism as a whole.

When should you brush your teeth?

Teeth are brushed in the morning – after breakfast, and in the evening – before bedtime. By brushing your teeth after eating, you will protect yourself from caries and plaque, as there will be no food particles left in your mouth. So never brush your teeth before eating!

There is another reason: if you brush your teeth before eating, and after drinking, for example, coffee, then your teeth will change color, because after brushing, tooth enamel is more susceptible to the effects of coloring pigments.

Another very important note! Don’t brush your teeth immediately after eating if you’ve eaten any acidic food or even drunk a glass of orange juice. You have to wait about 30-40 minutes. The fact is that after taking acid, our enamel becomes softer, and if you immediately start brushing your teeth, it will be damaged to a much greater extent. In addition, cracks will begin to form over time, and as a result, the teeth can be completely destroyed.

How many minutes should you brush your teeth? There is no exact answer to this question. However, they need to be cleaned for about 2-3 minutes. Preferably at least two minutes. But you also don’t need to brush your teeth for too long, so as not to damage the enamel.

How many times a day should you brush your teeth?

It is best to brush your teeth twice a day, morning and evening. More frequent brushing will gradually wear away the enamel. Naturally, you should brush your teeth after eating, not before! But at the same time, since we eat more than twice a day, after eating during the day, you should rinse your mouth with a special rinse or saline solution. Remember one golden rule: after eating any food, you must brush your teeth or at least rinse your mouth! Then you are unlikely to get to the dentist.

How to brush your teeth?

General rules for brushing your teeth

Modern dentists have developed the following recommendations for brushing your teeth:

How, when, how much and why should you brush your teeth?

  • Before cleaning, the toothbrush must be thoroughly rinsed;

  • Do not use too much toothpaste. For an adult, the strip should not be longer than 10 mm;

  • The hygiene procedure cannot take less than 2 minutes, but should not last longer than 5 minutes;

  • The brush should be held correctly in relation to the teeth. The tilt angle must be 45 °C;

  • It is necessary to start the cleaning procedure from the lower dentition, and subsequently proceed to cleaning the upper teeth;

  • The frontal teeth are cleaned first, then those teeth that are located deep in the oral cavity should be cleaned;

  • The direction of movement when cleaning the lower teeth is from bottom to top, and when cleaning the upper teeth – from top to bottom;

  • The chewing surface of the teeth is cleaned using circular motions;

  • Finish cleaning with a gum massage. To do this, with the help of a brush, you need to make kneading and stroking movements;

  • The mouth must be thoroughly rinsed after the procedure;

  • After the teeth are cleaned, it is necessary to treat the surface of the tongue. It accumulates a large number of bacteria that must be removed. For this purpose, all modern toothbrushes are equipped with a special ribbed surface, which is located on the back of the bristles;

  • If possible, after brushing your teeth, rinse your mouth with a special rinse;

  • The brush after the procedure should be thoroughly rinsed. It must be stored in a glass, turning the cleaning surface up.

[Video] Vinclinic Dentistry – How to Brush Your Teeth Properly – Dentist Tips:

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