How well do you know human anatomy? Challenging dice quiz. Doctors will not have problems, will you?

How much do all the bones of an adult weigh? Which is the smallest and which is the biggest? Whose neck has more vertebrae – giraffe or human? You will do this quiz without fail if you are a doctor or physiotherapist. Ready to prove yourself? Let’s start!

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1. A question from primary school to warm up: how many bones does the skeleton of an adult human have?

Exactly 193
206 Next question
The adult human skeleton consists of approximately 206 bones.

2. You surely know this too: movable bone connections are …

ponds Next question
They allow bones to move in one or more planes.

3. The bones visible in the photo are:

Photo: Shutterstock
Collarbone Next question
The collarbone is a long bone that connects the scapula and the sternum. Most people can feel the collarbone, especially when the arm is stretched forward.

4. How much does the whole skeletal system of an adult male weigh on average?

Not more than 10 kg
12 kg
20 kg
12 kg Next question
The average weight of an adult male’s skeleton is 12 kilograms, while for females it is about 10 kilograms.

5. The skull bones highlighted in the illustration are:

Photo: Shutterstock
Zygomatic bones
Lacrimal bones
Part of the nasal bone
Lacrimal bones Next question
The lacrimal bone is the smallest bone in the visceral skull. This structure builds up the medial orbital wall.

6. The smallest bone in the human body is:

The hammer
Hyoid bone
Stirrup Next question
It is one of the ossicles – it is located in the middle ear and is about 3 mm long. The stapes is responsible for transmitting vibrations caused by the eardrum to the inner ear. We perceive them later as, for example, music, speech, singing, laughter …
Photo: Shutterstock

7. The strongest bones in our body are:

Skull bones
Foot bones
The thigh bones
The thigh bones Next question
The femur is the strongest but also the longest bone in our skeleton. It can withstand pressure of up to 25 kg (from

8. Complete the sentence: Compared to the giraffe, humans have _____ cervical vertebrae

Photo: Shutterstock
The same
The same Next question
The human spine, like giraffes and most mammals, has seven cervical vertebrae (the size of these structures differs).

9. Bones are the “factory” of blood – true or false?

Truth Next question
Blood morphotic elements such as erythrocytes, leukocytes and thrombocytes arise in the red bone marrow. In adults, it occurs in flat bones (sternum, vertebral bodies, ribs, skull bones, pelvic bones, shoulder blades) and epiphyses of long bones. Only this form of bone marrow is found in children.

10. The structure marked in red is:

Photo: Shutterstock
The spinous process
Sternum handle
Coconut Next question
The coccyx, or the coccyx, is the final section of the human spine, made up of three to five fused vertebrae. It occurs where other mammals have developed a tail.

11. The bones of the wrist are the bones of:

Short Next question
A type of bone where all dimensions (length, width, and thickness) are similar. In addition to the wrist bones, the short bones include the tarsal bones and navicular bones.

12. The silent bone thief – this is how it is defined:

Osteoporosis Next question
Osteoporosis is an insidious disease. It is asymptomatic for a long time, and finally it makes itself felt in a rather brutal way: fractures that occur even with minor injuries. Its essence is a gradual loss of bone mass and density, caused by a disturbance in the processes of its reconstruction.

13. “Round back” is:

Photo: Shutterstock
Pathological lordosis
Pathological kyphosis
Pathological kyphosis Next question
Pathological spinal kyphosis is a serious defect of various origins. This deformity of the body can develop at any age and, if left untreated, lead to serious health problems.

14. The Pott Principle applies to:

Performing an X-ray of the bone
Bone density testing
Fractures within the limbs
Fractures within the limbs Next question
According to the so-called Pott’s principle, in the event of a bone fracture in a given place, we immobilize two adjacent joints. In this way, we limit the movement that can cause bone dislocation and complications later on.

15. The doctor “from the bone” is:

Both answers are correct
Both answers are correct Next question
A rheumatologist deals with various types of diseases related to degenerative and inflammatory conditions of connective tissue, bones and joints. The orthopedist treats bone injuries and fractures as well as ailments related to the health of the spine and the entire motor system.

16. The illustration shows:

Photo: Shutterstock
Shoulders with a fragment of the thoracic spine
The pelvic bone
Hyoid bone
The pelvic bone Next question
The pelvis is a bone and joint vertebra that serves as an attachment point for many muscles and is responsible for the correct position of the body. The pelvic bone is made up of the iliac bone, the pubic bone, the sciatic bone, and the obturator opening.

17. The zygomatic bone is part of:

skull Next question
The zygomatic bone is part of the skull. From its arrangement, among others. the shape of the face depends.
Photo: Shutterstock

18. The BMD test is:

Synovial fluid examination
Blood phosphate test
Measurement of bone density
Measurement of bone density Next question
The BMD test (bone mineral density test, densitometry) is a quick and uncomplicated test, thanks to which the doctor will assess the health of your skeleton and, in the event of abnormalities, will implement treatment to prevent future fractures. The study uses minimal doses of X-rays (1/10 of the average dose of radiation used during a chest X-ray), thanks to which the degree of bone loss can be determined.

19. The raven’s appendix is ​​found:

In the area of ​​the shoulder blade
In the pubic symphysis
In the midfoot
In the area of ​​the shoulder blade Next question
The raven’s process is located in the costal part of the scapula, below the brachial process. It is a remnant of a crow bone, very well developed in birds.
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