How well do you know fruit? Check out our quiz!

The fruit is not only delicious, but also healthy. However, do you know which is where you find the most vitamin C and which is the most fiber? Which ones have the most calories and which should you watch out for while losing weight? Check how well you know fruit!

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1. The syrup of this fruit is a proven natural medicine that alleviates the symptoms of colds. It is about:

Photo: Shutterstock
Black lilac
Black lilac Next question
Elderberry juice or syrup has diaphoretic, fever-reducing, expectorant and analgesic properties. It’s an old, proven medicine that relieves the symptoms of the common cold.

2. Which fruit has more vitamin C?

Rosehip fruit
Rosehip fruit Next question
The content of vitamin C in rosehips exceeds the content of vitamin C in citrus several dozen times.

3. These fruits are often called “the gold of Siberia”. It is about:

Photo: Shutterstock
Sea buckthorn
Sea buckthorn Next question
Sea buckthorn berries (as well as bark and leaves) have been known in traditional folk medicine for centuries. They help with dry cough, rheumatism, diseases of the digestive system, and improve the appetite.

4. What is the fruit? Finish by saying: One _____ a day keeps the doctor away from me

Apple Next question
It’s about the apple, of course.

5. The most caloric fruit is:

Dried plums
Avocado Next question
The most calorific fruit is avocado – 100 grams contain approx. 160 kcal. Despite this, it is considered one of the healthiest fruits in the world, and in moderation it can also be used in slimming diets (it ensures a feeling of fullness for a long time).

6. Strawberries can cause allergies. True or false?

Truth Next question
Strawberries are one of the most common food allergens. An allergy to these fruits is the result of the body’s reaction to some of the proteins in them.

7. Which fruit is the best source of fiber?

Currants Next question
The content of dietary fiber in currants is about 7,7 g / 100 g, while bananas – 1,7 g, grapes – 1,5 g (source:,ktore-produkty -food-containing-fiber)

8. Which of the following properties of grapefruit are true?

Photo: Shutterstock
It has a low glycemic index
It is low in calories
It improves metabolism
All the answers are right
All the answers are right Next question
Grapefruits are low in calories (in 100 g they have only 50 kcal), they accelerate metabolism and support cleansing the body. They also have a low glycemic index: IG = 20.

9. Which fruits are better to limit on a slimming diet?

Grapes Next question
When following a slimming diet, let’s make sure not to overdo it with the amount of grapes eaten. These fruits contain a lot of sugar, which increases their calorific value. 100 g of grapes is about 69 kcal.

10. Otherwise dragon fruit. On the picture there is:

Photo: Shutterstock
Name it
Chinese lychees
Name it Next question
Pitaya, aka dragon fruit or strawberry pear – this is the name of the fruit of many cactus species, especially of the genus Hylocereus, but also Stenocereus.

11. Apples are often called a “natural toothbrush”. True or false?

Truth Next question
Apples are often called a “natural toothbrush”. For several reasons. Firstly, by eating hard fruit we remove plaque from the teeth, and secondly, eating apples increases saliva production, which means less bacteria in the mouth and protection against plaque.

12. How to slow down the ripening of bananas?

We store them in the refrigerator
We bind the end of the banana with cling film
It cannot be done
We bind the end of the banana with cling film Next question
Thanks to this, the process of ethylene production will be inhibited (this hormone is produced especially at the tips) and thus bananas will be longer to eat. Do not keep bananas in the refrigerator – then they lose their vitamins and their peel darkens faster.

13. Which of the fruits are included in the so-called superfood?

Goji berries
Goji berries Next question
The healing properties of goji berries have been used in Eastern medicine for over 2,5 thousand. years. For many people dealing with the subject of nutrition, they are considered the healthiest food in the world. However, it is worth knowing that goji berries are grown mainly in China and those imported to Poland often contain additional preservatives. They should also not be consumed by people taking warfarin, anti-diabetic and antihypertensive drugs.

14. They support the fight against anemia. It’s about fruit:

Photo: Shutterstock
Edible dogwood
Edible dogwood Next question
Dogwood fruits are an excellent source of iron, which is the main component of hemoglobin, which carries oxygen in the blood. If the body lacks iron, it is at risk of hypoxia and the malfunction of most organs. This is when anemia (anemia) occurs.

15. Which fruit helps prevent urinary tract infections?

Cranberries Next question
Cranberry reduces the ability of bacteria to adhere to the bladder epithelium and also acidifies the urine.
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