How Vitgrass Juice Fights Aging, Cancer and Inflammation and Where to Buy It

The excitement about the incredible benefits of witgrass (wheatgrass juice) can make many doubt whether there is a catch here. Maybe this is just another – and overrated – fashion trend for those with health concerns? However, it is not. First, the properties of witgrass – chlorophyll, minerals and enzymes in which it is unusually rich – attracted the attention of scientists back in the 1930s. Secondly, since then, in different parts of the world, from the United States and Scandinavia to Japan and China, hundreds of laboratory experiments and studies have been carried out confirming the benefits of witgrass. For example, it has been shown to fight cancer, anemia, skin and oral diseases, varicose veins and other common problems.

Two years ago, my friend Sergei Panchenko founded a startup SweetGrass for the production of wheat germ (“lawn”) and frozen juice from it. Now, in several dozen cafes and yoga studios in Moscow, you can drink juice squeezed from SweetGrass sprouts grown from organic bio-grain without the use of synthetic fertilizers. And you can order frozen juice right at home.

Sergei is convinced that if witgrass has become extremely popular among residents of sunny California or Australia, then in Russian conditions its benefits will be even more noticeable. Naturally, he is familiar with many studies of the properties of witgrass. I turned to him to learn more about witgrass.


One serving (30 milliliters) of witgrass juice contains the benefits of two kilograms of fresh vegetables and fruits. This is because the sprouts, by the time the grain should begin to appear, but has not yet appeared, accumulate a huge amount of vitamins, minerals, enzymes and amino acids. Here are just some of the data. Witgrass juice is 70% chlorophyll. Contains 400 (!) Enzymes and 17 amino acids. It has 6,5 times more beta-carotene than spinach. 30 times more vitamin B than fish. 11 times more calcium than fresh milk. 7 times more vitamin C than citrus fruits.

The all-round effect that witgrass juice has on our body is associated with several key characteristics of this product. The first is a powerful purification of the blood (including from toxins and carcinogens). The second is antioxidant activity (protection from free radicals, restoration of acid-base balance, and reduction of inflammation in the body). The third is blood oxygen saturation. So, this is why witgrass juice is good for us.

Fights cancer: removing carcinogens from our body and stopping the alkaline environment, witgrass juice reduces the risk of cancer. It contains vitamin B17 (laetrile), which can kill cancer cells. Sprouts oxygenate the blood, and cancer thrives in low oxygen environments.

Stimulates blood circulation: Vitgrass has the ability to increase the amount of oxygen in the blood and restore blood, namely, it supplies oxygen, antibodies and vital nutrients to all parts of our body, while taking away waste (carbon dioxide, acids, toxins) that are the cause of many diseases.

Cleans the liver: Vitgrass is best known for its effect on the liver, which cleans our blood. It helps cleanse the liver itself, while nutrients and enzymes rebuild it and protect it from oxidative stress.

Helps to Lose Weight: Sprouts regulate thyroid function, which is critical in preventing excess weight gain. Plus, wheatgrass is loaded with so many nutrients that your body won’t need other foods to compensate for a lack of vitamins or minerals. This will help you avoid unhealthy foods, sugary foods, and fatty snacks.

Cleans cells: Vitgrass provides “alkaline saturation” of cells, restoring pH and stimulating detoxification.

Strengthens the immune system: Wheatgrass increases the number of red blood cells in the body, which is why they are so effective in boosting immunity.

Slows down aging: Wheatgrass is loaded with antioxidants that help neutralize free radicals in the body, a major cause of aging.

Neutralizes infections: Chlorophyll helps fight bacterial infections and maintains an alkaline environment, making it less susceptible to disease-causing bacteria.

Improves Digestion: thanks to vitamin B, amino acids and enzymes, vitgrass normalizes digestion. In addition, it cleanses your intestines of lumps and mucus, relieves constipation and eliminates flatulence.

Treats arthritis: Chlorophyll fights inflammation in the body, including those associated with joint pain.

Reduces fatigue: Chlorophyll helps to increase the supply of oxygen to the cells and tissues of your body, promotes cell regeneration, which allows the body to become stronger, and we feel less tired.

Is a “natural deodorant”: Vitgrass juice flushes toxins from the mouth, skin and body, eliminating unpleasant odors.

Restores skin health: By activating cell regeneration, Witgrass helps the rapid healing of wounds and burns, and by purifying the blood, it fights acne and acne and skin diseases such as psoriasis and eczema.

Stabilizes cholesterol levels and sugar in blood.

Restores water balance dehydrated cells.

Improves mood: Wheatgrass is rich in iron, and iron deficiency can cause fatigue, lethargy, and depression. Vitamin B, found in witgrass, is needed for the nervous system and helps restore mental health.

Fights inflammation: Wheatgrass is incredibly powerful in fighting inflammation and is closely related to many diseases in the body.

Improves the quality of your workouts: The high oxygen content of chlorophyll helps to deliver more oxygen to the blood, which is especially beneficial before strength training.

Helps the Brain: Chlorophyll fills the body with oxygen, and the brain uses 25% of our total oxygen supply.

If you are impressed with this data, go to the SweetGrass website and order your juice home!


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