How to write a free-form vaccination refusal: form, sample, flu, akds
In the Soviet Union, vaccination was a compulsory procedure, and vaccinations were not given only in very rare cases. Now the situation has changed: children who go to school may experience allergic reactions to the components of the injected drug. Therefore, parents are increasingly thinking about how to write a refusal to vaccinate and whether it should be done.
Sample application in free form
According to Federal Law, the parents or guardians of the child can write an arbitrary waiver stating that they refuse to vaccinate. Also, the law on medical intervention will help you, according to which a person can refuse any medical intervention.
To write a refusal to vaccinate, you need to fill out an application in an arbitrary form and give it to the doctor.
You can download the form for this document on the Internet or write the application yourself. You need to give it to the school doctor or to the one who works in the kindergarten.
You can fill out an application like this:
I … (full name of one of the parents or guardian) refuse to vaccinate my child (full name) on the basis of article 19, paragraph 5, subparagraph 8 and article 20 of the Federal Law.
Enter the date below and sign with the transcript.
According to statistics, parents most often refuse mantoux, although it is not considered a vaccine, and is carried out to identify a tendency to tuberculosis.
Do I need to refuse vaccination
Vaccinations can protect the child’s body from many dangerous viruses, and refusal to carry them out may be correct in the following cases:
- The child has recently been ill and will have to be vaccinated later. For example, this is often the case with the flu shot.
- If there is a possibility that he may soon become infected, as there is an infectious family member at home.
- If many children in a class or group are sick and the introduction of the virus can weaken the body, as a result of which infection will occur.
- If the baby is immunocompromised or has chronic diseases.
- He has an allergic reaction to the components of the drug.
- If he is unlikely to get infected, since he has already had any disease.
In other cases, it is better not to refuse vaccinations, as they will help protect the child’s immunity and avoid problems with his health. It is undesirable to refuse from vaccination, as it protects against three diseases at once: diphtheria, tetanus and pertussis.
It is unreasonable to refuse some vaccinations, as later you will have to fight with serious illnesses. But if the vaccination threatens the health of the child, then it is better to write a refusal and send it to the doctor.