How to wrap pita bread in a roll and an envelope

How to wrap pita bread in a roll and an envelope

Lavash is a white bread made in the form of a flat cake. You can use it yourself or prepare various dishes. The most popular is shawarma. But due to the fact that not everyone knows how to properly wrap pita bread, cooking from it at home is difficult.

What kind of pita bread to use for cooking?

You can make pita bread at home. But to do this, you need a lot of patience, because this process is not quick. Therefore, many people buy ready-made products. When choosing pita bread, you need to pay attention to its density. It should be thin, due to which it will be easier to fold. It is necessary to take a perfectly baked product with a tasty smell.

You can use white cakes in your home kitchen, but for this you need to familiarize yourself with how to wrap a pita bread roll. For this, pita bread is taken, on which the filling is spread. But it should not be placed along the edge of the cake, so you should step back about 2 cm from it. Only then can you start rolling the roll.

It is necessary to ensure that the filling is held tightly and does not fall out. Having made loose rolls, it will be difficult to cut them into pieces. Then the finished dish is wrapped in cling film so that it does not crumble and gets the desired shape.

How beautiful to cut a roll?

Knowing how to wrap pita bread correctly, you can make delicious dishes. But, so that after cutting they do not crumble, you must adhere to these tips:

· It is recommended to soak pita bread in advance in liquid (water or milk). This will make it sticky and keep its shape;

· After soaking, lavash is greased with butter. It promotes better contact between the cake and the filling, and also gives the taste;

· The edges of the pita bread can be greased with egg white so that they stick together.

Many are interested in how to wrap pita bread, video and photos of this process. Making rolls out of it is much easier than envelopes. But even this is within the power of any hostess. Lavash should be cut into squares. The filling is placed in the center, but there should be a little of it so that it does not fall out. Then you need to wrap the envelopes. The edges are folded 1 cm, after which the squares are folded diagonally.

Beat eggs with spices in advance. Envelopes are soaked in them, after which they must be fried in heated sunflower oil. This dish should be served hot.

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