How to wind curls with an iron: a complete video instruction

Learn to make a luxurious styling in ten minutes!

It seems that only the lazy one was not joking that men finally stopped understanding women after they decided to twist their curls on a straightener. Indeed, it sounds, of course, funny, but the curls and waves are luxurious! And for a complete “stacking weapon” now you need only an iron and a couple of tools.

Curls just won’t work: you need to know a couple of simple movements. You can watch them in the video. Here are the most important points.

1. We apply thermal protection – the product can be sprayed onto wet hair before drying with a hairdryer, or you can – a couple of minutes before styling (the main thing is that the hair has time to dry completely).

2. We divide the head into squares – we leave only one, and we collect the rest in a bundle or stab.

3. We take a strand: it is better to separate the curls at the hair roots. Remember that the wider the strand, the larger the curl will be.

4. We pass along the strand of the comb.

5… We pinch the curl with an iron directed towards the face, and turn it away from us. It is important to make this movement quickly so that there are no creases. We slowly lead the device to the tips.

6… If you don’t really like a curl, it is better to redo it after it cools down.

7. Ready! It is better to hone your movements with the device turned off. When the hands remember the necessary gesture, styling will take 5-7 minutes.

And do not forget about the styling products: the varnish will fix the curls, and dry shampoo can add volume.

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