The film «The meeting place cannot be changed»
Gleb Zheglov quotes Dale Carnegie almost literally.
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The following rules usually help to win over an interlocutor:
- Smile.
More precisely, it is not the smile itself that is important, but the warmth and positive energy emanating from you. Be within the emotional tone of the person, but a little higher, at its upper limit.
- Be attentive to the person, try to turn the conversation to a conversation about him.
- Talk about topics that interest him. Not generally interesting and not interesting for you personally, but on topics that are interesting to him personally.
- Be sincerely interested in your interlocutor, talk with a real desire to understand him, his views, life and interests.
- Listen using listening signs and synthons.
See Listening and Active Listening.
- If you can do it sincerely, express admiration for the interlocutor.
A clear wording or an unexpected turn of his thought, her gentle voice or his strong decision … Courage or patience, energy or calmness. The main thing is that you really like the person! See advantages and disadvantages