How to win against dandruff? Ways to fight dandruff

Problems with the scalp can be extremely bothersome, and what’s more, they contribute to the fact that the hair looks unfavorable. – Proper grooming habits usually prevent diseases, but they cannot always be avoided. Fortunately, there are methods by which they can be detected and appropriate treatment and preventive measures taken, reveals dermatologist Aleksandra Żerdzińska and suggests how to deal with potential diseases.

Dandruff – what should you know about it?

The most common issue is dandruff. If you want to win against him, you need to find out what kind of “enemy” you are going to fight.

– Dandruff is one of the most common problems affecting the scalp. Its formation is associated with the separation of dead, callous layers of the epidermis. Physiologically, epidermal cells exfoliate in a 28-day cycle, but under certain conditions this process may be shortened by several days. There are two types of dandruff: dry and oily. The first form is more common. Then fine white scales fall off the head, especially on dark hair and clothes.

Oily dandruff is thick scales that are relatively tightly attached to the scalp, which in practice means that they are not so easy to separate. This form applies to people whose sebaceous glands are very active and produce a large amount of serum – explains Aleksandra Żerdzińska, a dermatologist.

Although anti-dandruff shampoos can be helpful, proper, in-depth treatment of this ailment should only be started after consulting a specialist. An appointment with a dermatologist is also necessary to exclude potential hormonal disorders (e.g. hypothyroidism) or psoriasis. Eliminating these diseases and determining the type of dandruff is necessary to select the appropriate measures.

– Należy używać delikatnych szamponow myjących. W składzie niektórych środków przeciwłupieżowych znajdują się: kwas salicylowy, dziegcie czy siarczek selenu, które, choć skutecznie złuszczają i oczyszczają skórę głowy, stosowane w zbyt dużych ilościach mogą podrażniać. Warto więc stawiać na takie, które zawierają różne składniki i działają w odmiennych mechanizmach, co zwiększa ich skuteczność, ograniczając działania niepożądane – wyjaśnia Aleksandra Żerd

However, dandruff cannot be underestimated, because it sometimes leads to more serious diseases.

Medonet Market offers a wide selection of shampoos to help fight dandruff, such as:

  1. Orientana shampoo for greasy hair with neem and green tea, which contains as much as 98 percent. ingredients of natural origin,
  2. Biolaven normalizing and moisturizing shampoo with strengthening and anti-dandruff properties,
  3. anti-dandruff shampoo Vianek, which also has soothing properties.
  4. Green Laboratory aromatherapy hair shampoo with essential oils, which is bactericidal and anti-inflammatory. Thanks to the content of horsetail and rosemary, it prevents the formation of dandruff,
  5. Detoxifying shampoo Green Laboratory with the content of gentle cleansing ingredients that do not cause irritation. Rosemary and green tea oils affect the anti-dandruff effect of the cosmetic,
  6. Orientana tonic for hair loss, soothing irritation and inflammation caused by dandruff,
  7. A deeply nourishing cleansing balm for all hair types with Sylveco betulin.

In the case of dandruff, you can also use the soothing scalp scrub Vianek, which perfectly cleans and moisturizes the skin.

If you are looking for cosmetics with a mild effect, try the hydrolate, i.e. flower extract with a wide range of uses in hair and skin care. In the case of dandruff and itchy scalp, we recommend:

  1. cucumber hydrolate – has a smoothing effect and reduces scalp irritation,
  2. peppermint hydrolate – soothes irritated skin and refreshes and smoothes the hair,
  3. calendula hydrolate – has an antiseptic effect, inhibits the growth of bacteria and accelerates the healing of damaged epidermis,
  4. raspberry hydrosol – soothes itchy scalp.

“Innocent” dandruff that contributes to seborrheic dermatitis. It can lead to hair loss

– The skin of the scalp is colonized by many types of microbes, including bacteria and yeasts. If their amount is normal, then it shouldn’t cause any problems. However, under certain favorable circumstances, the yeast ‘Malassezia furfur’ may overgrow. They are mainly responsible for the appearance of dandruff.

A large amount of yeast, along with an excess of husk, can cause scalp inflammation. It manifests itself as redness and itching. Then you are dealing with seborrheic dermatitis. Prolonged seborrhoeic inflammation may be associated with increased hair loss. Fortunately, this is a reversible process – explains Aleksandra Żerdzińska, a dermatologist.

How often do I wash my hair to avoid dandruff? (Not) unfortunately there is no definite answer

Should you wash your hair every day? Yes and no. It turns out that everything depends on individual needs. – Hair should be washed every time it is needed. Some people wash them once or twice a week, but there are also some who do it every day.

The second group usually includes those who have severe seborrhea and are uncomfortable. There is one universal rule: use your common sense. If someone thinks that it is enough to wash your hair once every two weeks or the other way: twice a day, it is necessary to see a doctor – explains Aleksandra Żerdzińska, a dermatologist.

You can buy a shampoo for the care of hair and scalp with dandruff problem at Medonet Market. Capillus shampoo, thanks to the content of hemp extract and marjoram and grapefruit extract, regulates exfoliation of the epidermis and has antibacterial properties.

Łupiez – lepiej zapobiegać niż leczyć, ale trzeba robić to umiejętnie

Popularne, dostępne bez recepty środki przeciwłupieżowe, można stosować prewencyjnie. Nie nalezy jednak przesadzać. Ci, którzy kiedyś zmagali się z problemami skóry głowy, mogą stosować je raz w tygodniu, inni nawet raz na kilka miesięcy.

– You can also choose scrubs and scalp massages, but do them up to twice a week. Then, such action will help to exfoliate dead, callous layers of the epidermis and will stimulate the hair follicles by increasing their blood supply, which additionally stimulates hair growth – advises Aleksandra Żerdzińska, a dermatologist.

Unfortunately, there are also situations beyond our control. Such as, for example, excessive stress or the weather that forces you to wear a hat. – Even though these issues are beyond our control, we can still help our hair and scalp. Sometimes it is enough to give up using a dryer or going to sleep with a wet head – advises Aleksandra Żerdzińska, a dermatologist.

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