How to win a Gemini woman: character traits

😉 Hello dear readers! How to conquer a Gemini woman? What is the nature of the Gemini zodiac sign? Famous Gemini women. Read and watch the video.

Gemini woman: characteristics

The period of the zodiac sign Gemini is from May 22 to June 21. Element – Air.

A relationship with a Gemini woman will not let a man of any sign get bored. But the gentleman will have to suffer before he gets the hand of his chosen one. A Gemini’s mood can change in an instant.

Just now she was cheerful and light, and a minute later she was already upset, and she herself cannot always understand what exactly. In the morning she is ready to conquer the whole world, and in the evening she just wants to be at home.

A man who has fallen in love with a Gemini woman does not need to take such mood swings seriously, but her whims cannot be ignored either. Always try to support and comfort your Twin.

Often, if she looks very upset, a small gift or a couple of gentle words may be enough for her to bloom and forget about all the sorrows. In no case should you try to re-educate her. Women of this sign do not tolerate despots and men who are prone to manipulation.

For Gemini, intelligence, sensuality and the ability to understand a partner are in the first place. Their type is an intellectual, not a “conqueror of women’s hearts”. From the appearance of the fan, the Gemini woman expects only one thing – neatness. Everything else she will find in your mind and character.

Gemini loves initiative and often takes it first. The well-known “white dance” seems to have been created for this sign. It costs her nothing to invite a man and, if he likes it, to become the initiator of the relationship herself.

How to win a Gemini woman: character traits

How to conquer a Gemini woman

Cute Twins always have a lot of fans. These girls are very open, sociable and sincerely friendly. While dancing with her beau, she can look at other men at the same time. It is very important for her to grab attention and feel the confirmation of her attractiveness.

She can be very jealous, but this does not mean that she is “head over heels in love” – it can be a release of excess energy and the result of an overabundance of momentary emotions.

In fact, in communicating with other men, friendship and business contacts are important to her, which she establishes in the only way available to Gemini – flirting. But things rarely go further, so her chosen one should not worry when he sees how his passion has a nice conversation with someone and even makes eyes.

But all the same, treason on her part is possible, only for them a very serious reason is needed. The only way to return a Gemini woman on a spree is to show that you are indifferent to her. Make her jealous by making it clear that she is not the only woman in the world.

She also needs wide personal space and a lot of freedom. A Gemini woman can watch a movie alone or go to an autumn park to be alone with her thoughts. In such cases, you do not need to impose, trying to force her to divide your society – when she needs you, she will ask herself.

But this should not be regarded as excessive “experience” and licentiousness. This is more like a childish spontaneity, in one way or another, characteristic of all Gemini women.

If Gemini likes someone, then she sees no reason to hide it. She expects the same attitude from a man. Therefore, if you are in love with a Gemini woman, then you should not delay with the invitation to the first date.

The date itself doesn’t have to be boring and boring. The girl will like a walk in the park with a lively conversation more than a visit to the most expensive restaurant with a not very sociable interlocutor.

Such women often do not care about the appearance of a man. A pumped-up “alpha male” dressed according to the latest fashion trends will cause rejection rather than a desire to continue acquaintance.

Famous Gemini Women

  • Marilyn Monroe
  • Angelina Jolie
  • Isadora Duncan
  • Natalie Portman
  • Nicole Kidman
  • Lyudmila Zykina
  • Naomi Campbell
  • Daria Dontsova
  • Kylie Minogue
  • Angelica Varum
  • Anna Kournikova
  • Maria Shukshina
  • Maria Mironova
  • Julia Snigir
  • Barbara Brylska
  • Christina Orbakaite
  • Natalia Selezneva
  • Larisa Guzeeva


Dear readers, I advise you to watch this selection of videos. Here are all the answers to the questions of how to conquer a Gemini woman.

The love characteristic of a Gemini woman. part 1

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