How to whitewash an apple tree: a solution and a diagram with a photo

Caring for garden trees, including apple trees, is very similar in essence to caring for a child. It requires constant care, attention and care. Trees need to be watered in time, fertilized, trimmed and not forgotten about their skin – the bark. It must be whitened correctly and in a timely manner, which can protect the surface from ultraviolet radiation and pests. This is a simple process, but requires certain knowledge and skills. Let’s find out how and when to whiten apple trees.

When to whitewash

It is advisable to whitewash apple trees 2 times a year. At the same time, not only the trunk is whitened, but also the skeletal branches of the lower tier. There is a heated debate among gardeners about the timing of the procedure. Some of them are sure that it is rational to carry it out in the winter. And refuse the spring one, since it does not bring any benefit at all, but is an ordinary decoration of the garden. That it is spring whitewash for apple trees that clogs the pores of the bark and interferes with the natural development of the tree and can lead to its death.

Supporters of spring painting argue their choice by the fact that it is early painting that can protect the bark from the action of sunlight, save it from bark beetle pests, in general, save the tree from environmental influences.

So when is it actually whitening apple trees so that it is scientifically true and brings only benefits, and not harm?

Experts agree that by carrying out this procedure in the spring, you can save the tree from the destructive effects of the sun. Judge for yourself, in the spring the weather has not yet settled down and is very changeable. During the day, the ambient temperature will be above zero, while at night it can drop below zero. The trunk has a dark color, which will actively attract the sun’s rays. This will lead to the fact that the crust actively heats up during the day, and cools sharply at night. As a result, it may crack. And if whitewashed in white, it will contribute to the reflection of the rays. And on especially hot summer days, the white color of the trunk will not allow the plant to overheat and save its integument from burns.

Spring whitewash protects against all kinds of pests that actively wake up after a long winter sleep. But in order to achieve maximum protection, it is necessary to carry out whitewashing in accordance with all the rules.

A quiet spring day in March will be optimal for this procedure. The foliage has not yet begun to bloom, and the ground cover has not yet had time to warm up under the first rays of the sun, and all kinds of pests are still sleeping. After all, defenseless bark can be an excellent shelter for them in early spring. With the help of spring whitewashing, you also get a great opportunity to get rid of wintering pests in the bark of an apple tree.

How to whitewash an apple tree: a solution and a diagram with a photo

An important point is also what the weather will be like on the day you choose. It is desirable that it be cool and dry. Don’t experiment with painting while it’s raining. It will still wash off all the paint. Also, do not delay the process. Indeed, with the onset of tangible spring heat, this procedure is no longer appropriate. You will miss the main thing – time. The bark of your trees will not be able to escape from the bright rays of the sun and will suffer from burns.

Winter is also a good time to paint, especially if you live in a warm, southern climate zone or don’t have it done in the fall. You just need to choose the right weather conditions. The main requirement is dry weather. After all, a layer of paint should be absorbed and thoroughly dry. Otherwise, it will be washed away by rain.

Whitewash solution

To the question “how to whitewash apple trees”, we most often hear the answer – with lime. To get the paint, they take quicklime and dilute it with water. But, of course, there are options and we will talk about them below. The composition of the solution depends on what goals you are pursuing when whitewashing: you want to get rid of pests or save the tree from exposure to sunlight.

A young seedling also needs whitening, just like an adult tree. But there is an assumption that young seedlings should not be subjected to this procedure. After all, the paint irritates the young covers of the tree and interferes with the process of thickening the trunk. But this is a very controversial aspect. After all, if you significantly reduce the concentration of lime in the water, then, of course, you will avoid such problems. It is recommended to add clay to the solution for better adhesion. It will contribute to the viscosity of your composition. If you want to experiment, get water-based paint.

When making manually or purchasing a ready-made solution, remember that its composition should not be very thick. It is also undesirable for the paint layer to be thick – this adversely affects the condition of the apple tree. If, after painting, you notice that the whitewash is crumbling or cracking quickly, you will have to repeat everything from the beginning, taking into account previous mistakes.

In the event that the solution drains from the trunk during the procedure, it is advisable to increase the concentration of lime and repeat the painting.

If you are painting a young plant and want to rid it of pests and all kinds of pathogens, use chalk, not lime. After all, lime, as we noted, can harm young seedlings.

Know that the optimal thickness of the whitewash layer should be no more than 3 millimeters. And only thanks to the consistency of the solution, homogeneous and without lumps, you will achieve the desired result.

You can use ready-made solutions and alkyd paints. Such paints already contain antifungal components and an antiseptic in their composition.

Painting with iron sulphate is also popular. It promotes the formation of chlorophyll and perfectly nourishes the whole tree. For the greatest effect, chalk or slaked lime is added to it.

But if desired, the paint can be prepared independently. The main thing is that the composition of the solution must include adhesive ingredients. Without them, whitewash will not be able to hold out for a long time and will be washed off at the first precipitation. Do not forget about the color of the solution. Regardless of whether it was purchased or prepared on its own, the color should be strictly white. Otherwise, such paint will not be able to protect the bark from burns.


To whitewash the trunk of an apple tree, you do not have to specialize. This is a very simple and easy manipulation that even a child can handle. The process itself consists of two subsequent stages – bark preparation and staining.

Preparation consists in removing old, dry bark from boles. Do this with a spatula or scraper. When all the old bark is removed, it is necessary to “sand” the tree with an iron brush. If the apple tree is young, brushing just once is enough. Treat wounds received during the procedure with garden pitch or a solution of ferrous sulfate.

How to whitewash an apple tree: a solution and a diagram with a photo

Next, using a wide brush or spray gun, proceed to painting. During the process, be careful, try to ensure that the solution falls on the tree trunk over the entire surface area and in an even layer.

Do not neglect the care of the bark of your apple trees – this is their “skin” and it requires a gentle, careful attitude and care. After all, the environment affects it every day. Only regular whitewashing will give positive results. Apple trees will delight you with a generous harvest and get sick much less.

How to whiten apple seedlings (video)

This video will show you how to properly paint apple seedlings.

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