How to whiten your nails? Video
A neat manicure and well-groomed nails are one of the components of female beauty. But sometimes it happens that the nail plates lose their healthy color and acquire a yellow tint. Getting rid of it is difficult enough, but possible. First, you should determine the reason for the appearance of this shade. After eliminating it, you can start whitening your nails.
How to whiten your nails?
There are several reasons for the yellowing of the nails. It can be a sign of liver or kidney disease. In addition, a yellow tint on the nail plates may appear as a result of prolonged use of certain antibiotics. Another possible cause is nail fungus. It produces pigments that color the nails for a long time. With a fungus of the nail plate, the most unpleasant symptom is not so much yellowness, but delamination of nails and the appearance of an unpleasant odor.
Among the factors that provoke the appearance of yellow nails, smoking should be noted. In addition, the nail plates change color in middle-aged and elderly people due to existing diseases of the lungs or the lymphatic system. Women who like to paint their nails in different colors are also at risk. Under the influence of varnish, the nail plates can acquire a yellowish tint. This is due to the fact that varnishes are composed of formaldehyde, which negatively affects both the condition of the nails and their structure.
To prevent bright varnish from provoking yellowing of nails, always apply a base base before using it, which will protect the nail plate. In addition, it is advisable to periodically polish your nails with a file for grinding, as well as take breaks, that is, from time to time do not use varnish. On such days, the nail plates need to be nourished with essential oils. Additionally, you should do baths with medicinal herbs.
Gentle nail whitening methods
If the nails become thin, brittle, and exfoliate, it is recommended to use gentle methods of whitening nails at home. Cut the lemon into two halves and dip your fingers into each half. You can also wipe down the nail plates with freshly squeezed lemon juice and a few drops of olive oil. Apply this mixture with a cotton swab, then file your nails with a soft file. To get a pronounced effect, rub in lemon juice every day for at least a month.
In addition to the whitening effect, lemon juice helps soften the cuticle, as well as strengthen the nails.
A good result can be achieved from chamomile infusion. Brew a few tablespoons of dried flowers with boiling water and leave for 20 minutes. Then place your fingers in a warm bath for 10-15 minutes. This bath should be done 2-3 times a week.
To lighten and strengthen the nail plates, polishing with essential oils is very useful. This procedure should be carried out no more than once a month. In this case, you need to use a high-quality polishing file or a small piece of suede. You can use any essential oils you like: patchouli, pine, myrrh, tangerine or lemon.
Make a mixture of cedarwood oil (2 drops), ylang ylang oil (2 drops), and lemon juice (2 drops). Apply the resulting mixture with a cotton pad to your nails and leave to act for a while. You can also rub vitamin E into the nail plates.
Whitening nails with folk methods
Mix 1 part glycerin with 5 parts 3% hydrogen peroxide and apply the resulting mixture to the nail plates for 3 minutes. Leaving this composition for a longer time is undesirable, otherwise you can harm the nails and the skin around them.
For whitening nails, it is very useful to wipe them with a cut of raw potatoes.
A solution of 3% hydrogen peroxide with baking soda can also help whiten your nails quickly. Take 1 tbsp. l. peroxide for 2 tbsp. l. baking soda. Stir (not in a metal bowl) to the consistency of toothpaste and apply the mixture to the nail plates for 2-4 minutes. For greater effect, you can brush your nails with a soft toothbrush and paste applied to it. However, be careful: if there are wounds near the nails, it is better to use another remedy.
You can also get rid of yellowness on the nails, you can make them white with the help of sea salt. To do this, dilute 3 tbsp in warm water. l. sea salt and dip your nails in it for 10-15 minutes. Such baths need to be done several times a week for a month. Soda also has a whitening effect. Dilute it in warm water in a 1: 1 ratio. Apply the resulting product to your nails and let sit for 30 minutes. Then wash your hands in warm water.
Whitening nails with cosmetics
In addition to folk recipes for whitening nails, you can use various professional products that are sold in cosmetic stores and pharmacies. Professional coating Nonyellowing Top for nails with a whitening effect is produced by Duri Cosmetics (USA). This coating creates a leveling matte effect on the nail plates, on top of which any colored varnish fits perfectly. The Mava-White nail whitening product from Mavala (Switzerland) has a similar effect.
The ORLY company (USA) offers to use Nail Whitener for removing yellowness on the nails. Powdered tea tree oil bleach removes yellow stains from both natural and extended nails. Dissolve the powder in water, and then dip your nails into it for 5 minutes. With regular use, this product returns the natural pink color to the nails.
The Nubar brand launches the Nail Clear mask for whitening nail plates. It prevents yellowing of nails, removes existing yellow spots, restores healthy color to the nail plates. The Nail Clear mask should be applied to the nails in a thin layer. After it dries, their surface is polished with a special napkin.
A special white pencil for nails will help to cope well with the problem of yellowness of nails. You can choose the type of whitening stick that suits you at your pharmacy. This tool is affordable, inexpensive, easy to use, and most importantly, effective.
In the next article, you will learn how to get a beautiful manicure.