How to whiten underarms on t-shirts and shirts, how to remove yellow spots

Sweat and deodorants leave stains on the fabric. Often they are yellow. On dark clothes, these marks are white. How to whiten armpits and will be discussed.

How to get rid of yellow spots under the arms

Deodorants and sweat leave yellow stains on shirts and T-shirts. They are harder to the touch than ordinary fabric, leaving marks on the fingers as after deodorant. The most annoying thing is that it is very difficult to remove them. Ordinary washing, even with a very good powder, does not help. Even if you pre-wash, lather or treat with a stain remover.

Even if you do not wear T-shirts and shirts for more than one day, wash them regularly, yellowish or yellow spots still appear in the armpit area.

Powders and bleaches

On white shirts and t-shirts, treat the armpits with undiluted white (wear gloves) and throw in the washer. Pour in the maximum amount of washing powder and set the temperature to the highest temperature for this fabric.

After applying whiteness to a stain, the color of the fabric may change to bright lilac, but after washing, things will be white. The spots under the armpits will either disappear completely or become less noticeable. In the second case, repeat everything again.

Apply the gruel to a damp cloth and wait for 15-20 minutes, then wash

The second option is to take an active bleach or Antipyatin, add a little water to make a paste. Apply this paste to a damp cloth on the armpits.

You can independently prepare such a composition:

  • 1 teaspoon of liquid dishwashing detergent;
  • 4 tablespoons of hydrogen peroxide;
  • 2 tablespoons of baking soda.

The result is a thick liquid that can be used to treat stains. In both cases, the product must not be allowed to dry. The easiest way is to put things in a bag, and then wash at the highest temperature for this type of fabric.

What helped me

Underarm stains formed on shirts, even though each time before washing these areas were soaped with the same composition as the collar and cuffs. They were not yellow. Rather, they are darker with a certain amount of yellowness. Neither the treatment with concentrated gel, nor the usual stain removers, hand washing, soap … did not help. Stains remained after washing. I had to use non-standard means.

Something like this looked like stains under the arms on the shirts

What did you use

The stains under the armpits left a mark on the hands, which remains if you run your finger over dry deodorant. The feeling is slippery, like after silicone, and a little greasy. Therefore, I decided to use kitchen products, degreasers, dishwashing detergent. Anything that removes fat well.

Tried different means. This is just some of them

I also found stain removers. One for removing blood and grease stains. The second is special for removing stains under the armpits. Further more. Tried baking soda and vinegar, window cleaner, shirt collar soap, concentrated “deep action” gel. Even ammonia-free nail polish remover, shower cleanser. All this was used alternately and together.

As a result, the shirts were washed

The good news is the stains are gone. And it is not necessary to use expensive special stain removers. In this case, they are not much more effective than “conventional” or improvised means. The bad news is that it took two, three, in some cases four passes to get a good result.


After repeated attempts, a certain sequence was developed, which gave the best result.

    1. Soak the stain in warm water.
    2. Sprinkle with baking soda, rub well – it is better with a brush so that the soda soaks the fabric completely. Particular attention to the seams.
    3. Pour vinegar, wait until the reaction is over.
      Soda and vinegar – the first stage of washing
    4. Apply a fat dissolver. I used dish gel or kitchen cleaner spray directly on top of baking soda and vinegar. Rub with a brush, you can rub it like a hand wash.
    5. Rinse in running water until the foam disappears.
    6. Apply stain remover. I’ve used a sweat stain remover, tried laundry gel, kitchen grease remover, and all-purpose cleaner. I still don’t understand what gives the best results. Each time is different. Apparently, it depends on the type of deodorants, fabric, the amount of all this along with sweat.
      A variety of “improvised” means were used. Including for cleaning the kitchen, bathroom, washing the dishwasher
    7. Soaped things (with stain remover) leave for 10-30 minutes. Don’t let the product dry. If the shirt is wet enough, just fold it up and lay it down. The second option is to put it in a package.
    8. Wash in the machine at the highest temperature. My shirts are cotton, so the temperature is 95°C, with a full set of laundry detergents.

    This sequence was tested on the “control group” – two shirts that were left hanging in the closet. One is pure white, the other with a thin blue stripe.

    The result of the “control wash”

    In general, I washed two shirts exactly following the sequence described above. After the first time on white, the spots were partially washed off. There are traces left, but it’s not to say that it’s just a “yellow spot”. If you do not find fault, you can raise your hand without fear of sidelong glances.

    There are spots on the blue. The fabric has become “wired” or oiled. Or both at once. The spots look darker than they were before. They are not white or yellow, but dark. I have seen this effect before. I’ll have to wash a few more times, but everything is washed off.

    This is the “control group” after the first wash.

    I washed the shirts a second time. Stains after soda and vinegar were watered with two products – dishwashing gel, on top – for cleaning the kitchen (which dissolves fats). Rubbed for a long time. I washed it in warm water, lathered with soap for washing collars, and on top with another stain remover. After a 20 minute pause, machine wash again at 95°C.

    This is a blue shirt after the second wash and another one from the previously washed

    This time the white shirt is almost clean. On the wrong side, the threads in the seam in a small area have a yellowish tint. Everything else is white and without a trace of deodorant. The blue will need to be washed again. There are still traces. They are almost invisible, so you can wear them. But I think the stain will quickly appear again. So back to the wash.

    There is one more good news – shirts after all washings look much better. They are “freshened up”, there is no dullness or yellowness, the cuffs and collar also look better. By the way, I also rubbed them, but not as hard as under the sleeves.

    White spots on a dark shirt

    Sweat and deodorant stains look white on dark fabrics. One shirt was dark with a lot of layering. She is one of the oldest and, apparently, beloved. It turned out to be very difficult to reduce the white spot from it. Even after the fourth wash with all the “procedures”, there were no traces, but stains. From them, the “remnants” can be washed mechanically – if you run your fingernail, a white substance remains under it.

    A stain from deodorant and sweat near the arm on a dark shirt looks like white. It turned out to be the hardest one to put together.

    I tried everything on this one, including nail polish remover, dishwasher cleaner, dishwasher tablets. Gradually, the layer became thinner, the stain – smaller. I washed it together with the “control group”, and then a couple more times.

    The hardest part was getting sweat and deodorant off a dark shirt.

    Each time I tried to find a more efficient way, but everyone worked “at the same level.” Only after the sixth wash can we assume that everything was washed off.

    Author: Olga P.

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