How to whiten teeth enamel at home, make teeth white
We are talking about the tools at hand that will help you find the coveted whiteness of your teeth.
With age, the enamel of the teeth loses its former snow-white shade and begins to darken. First of all, coffee lovers, strong tea lovers and smokers encounter this. But even if this happened, you can whiten the enamel of your teeth at home.
It is not recommended to whiten your teeth on your own in case of increased sensitivity of the enamel. Those who have fillings on their front teeth should not be experimented with, as they can change the shade. In this case, the teeth whitening should be entrusted to the dentist.
If the teeth are not yellowish, but gray, this may be caused by staining of the tooth tissue from the inside, and not by plaque on the surface. Others can use the following proven methods.
You can lighten the enamel at home using affordable products that can be bought at the pharmacy:
Hydrogen peroxide… Brush your teeth with a paste, then gently brush your teeth with a swab or cotton swab dipped in a 3% hydrogen peroxide solution. Rinse your mouth thoroughly or brush your teeth without using a paste;
Activated carbon… Crush the tablets into a fine powder. Apply it to your brush and brush your teeth. Try to grind the tablets as small as possible so as not to damage the enamel with large pieces;
Tea tree oil… Brush your teeth, then brush your mouth again with a few drops of oil on it. Rinse your mouth thoroughly;
Baking soda… The surface of the teeth should be swabbed with baking soda or applied to a toothbrush and brushed. This must be done very carefully, soda has a strong abrasive effect and can damage the enamel.
These whitening methods should not be used too often so as not to thin the enamel. Use them in a course of 4-6 days or 2-3 times a month.
Important: if there is a reaction of the teeth to cold, hot or sour, you should immediately stop using folk remedies.
How to keep your teeth whiter
If you want to make your teeth white for a long time, you will have to quit smoking. A snow-white smile and tobacco are incompatible.
Also, follow these simple tips to help keep your teeth whiter:
drinks that stain the enamel should be consumed chilled through a straw: pomegranate, cherry, blueberry, black currant, etc. juices;
rinse your mouth thoroughly after drinking tea;
perform the necessary hygienic care: brush your teeth at least 2 times a day for 5 minutes.
By following these simple rules, you will keep your teeth whitened for years to come!
Expert Opinion
“In order to understand the situation correctly, it is necessary to distinguish between two concepts. The enamel itself is colorless. With age, the enamel wears off, and through it dentin, the tooth tissue under the enamel, begins to shine through in yellow. In this regard, it is necessary to distinguish between two concepts – tooth enamel lightening and teeth whitening, – notes the dentist-therapist Natalia Kadkalova.
First, lightening enamels… When you have naturally white teeth, but after the abuse of coffee, red wine or other coloring products, their whiteness has faded, and you want to return to its former brightness. Enamel pigmentation can be removed at home. Whitening pastes, whitening strips, sandblasting and other physical mechanisms can easily handle this.
When we talk directly about whitening teeth, then we mean exactly the change in their shade towards a whiter one. In this case, we chemically act on the pigment that is in the dentin – the tooth tissue under the enamel. We bleach it for a while, thanks to the use of a high concentration of hydrogen peroxide and modern methods of clinical bleaching. It is dentin that affects the color of teeth, and not enamel at all, as many believe. Enamel is the colorless tissue of the tooth. So, if you do not have naturally white teeth, but you really want to have them, then you cannot do without a dentist.
I would like to warn patients who endlessly try to whiten their teeth with strips, soda, activated carbon. These methods have nothing to do with whitening, you simply scrape off the upper, tarnished layer of enamel. It doesn’t matter what you scrub it with – soda or a grated tablet of activated carbon, because the only point is that large particles are used. Although you scrape with sand, there is no difference, soda itself does not have any chemical effect.
You also need to be careful about whitening pastes, which differ from the usual ones only in high abrasiveness. The course of their use should not exceed two weeks. If you decide to really change the color of your teeth, only clinical whitening will help you with this (properly carried out whitening on certified lamps is absolutely safe). Personally, I believe in the effectiveness of home whitening, but only in combination with clinical whitening. “