How to whip cream: video recipe

Cream is a dairy product that is widely used not only in cooking. Cream is added to coffee and tea, delicious creams and desserts are made from them, used as an independent dish. It is not surprising that this dairy product is so widely used, because natural cream contains vitamins, calcium and useful minerals that are extremely useful and necessary for the body.

How to whip cream: video recipe

Thick and natural

You can buy cream in any supermarket or take the time to cook it at home. Cream is nothing more than milk fat, and the fat content of cow’s milk directly depends on the nutrition of the cow. There are several ways to make cream. The easiest one is to remove the product from milk, as our grandmothers did. But there are a few secrets to keep in mind.

First, you need to have enough fatty fresh milk. It must be defended in a wide bowl, in a dark and cool place. Fresh milk should be given time for the lighter milk fat – cream – to rise to the top, after which it can be drained or skimmed off with a spoon. That’s it, your natural cream is ready.

Unfortunately, this method is rarely used today, in cases where there is no separator. On an industrial scale, cream is obtained by separation. Moreover, using the separator, you can get several types of cream: natural and reconstituted. By purchasing an individual separator, you can not only settle the cream, but also clean it. All you need to do is pour fresh milk into the separator and set the desired cream fat content on the device.

There are several contraindications when doctors do not recommend getting carried away with cream. These are liver pathologies, some cardiovascular diseases and metabolic disorders.

homemade cream

If for some reason separator cream is not suitable for you, whip the cream according to the recipe. But here it is important not to turn the homemade cream into butter and prevent the components from separating.

So, you will need: – fat milk – 400 ml; – butter – 400 g.

The oil needs to be placed in the freezer for several hours to harden. Then pour milk into a deep saucepan and put on low heat. Add the grated butter to the milk and cook over low heat, stirring occasionally, until the butter is completely dissolved. Remember that milk should never be brought to a boil.

Pour the finished mixture into a blender and beat until you get a homogeneous mass. It is best to whip milk and butter with a knife attachment. Pour the whipped mixture into any resealable container and refrigerate overnight. If the cream is less greasy, try adding more soft butter.

Cream will not turn to butter if churned properly. To do this, you need to turn on the speed of the blender gradually, moving from low speeds to faster ones.

The homemade method of making cream allows you to make cream of any fat content, which can then be used for creams, desserts or as a cosmetic mask. If you have store-bought, less heavy cream, then you can improve them too. To do this, you need to warm up the cream in a water bath so that it becomes thicker and fatter. And if you need, on the contrary, to reduce the fat content of homemade cream, then just dilute them a little with milk.

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