How to wean a dog from barking at home and in an apartment

How to wean a dog from barking at home and in an apartment

Unreasonable barking of a dog interferes with the life of both the owner and the neighbors. In this case, the pet needs to be educated and trained. To understand how to stop a dog from barking, you must first understand the possible causes of barking.

How to wean barking in an apartment

Puppies that were recently weaned from their mothers, as well as adult pets with an unbalanced psyche, behave noisily and restlessly. In the second case, only a qualified veterinarian will help. He will select methods of education and prescribe medication.

How can an owner wean a dog to bark?

To prevent the dog from barking in the apartment for no reason, follow these recommendations:

  • keep your pet away from the door;
  • avoid noisy games;
  • give your pet enough attention, because he can bark out of boredom;
  • train your puppy so that he learns to control his emotions and becomes restrained;
  • Pat your dog’s ears while barking and it will calm down.

If your pet is very restless and difficult to train, add soothing herbs to its diet. Be sure to consult your doctor.

If your dog barks at sounds outside the apartment door, punish him. Teach the commands “No!” and “To the leg!” When your dog barks at a knock on the door, praise him. If you miss the punishment for gratuitous barking at least once, then all efforts are in vain.

Some dogs bark for the attention of the owner. If you do not react to barking, then the situation will only worsen. In this case, training is simply necessary.

How to stop a dog from barking at home when it is alone

To prevent your pet from getting bored alone, follow these recommendations:

  • leave him a lot of toys;
  • turn on the radio so that he does not feel lonely;
  • draw the curtains around the house.

Train your dog to break up gradually. Leave for a few minutes and return home. You can even stand outside the door. If you hear barking, go back and say, “Phew!” Praise your dog for good behavior.

If you’ve just moved into a new home, don’t leave your pet alone. He might think he was dumped. If you are often not at home, then do not get an active breed of dog. In such cases, preference is given to pugs, Pekingese and poodles.

To prevent the dog from barking in a private house in the yard, keep it in an aviary away from the fence.

If you have undertaken to wean your pet from barking, then do it regularly, and not from time to time. Educate your dog yourself, do not trust the training of friends or relatives. The animal must recognize one master.

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