Every gardener knows that caring for fruit trees is a responsible matter. After all, you need to take care of them not only in the summer, but also in the autumn. The hot summer has passed, and the trees need moisture more than ever. In addition, autumn is not always rich in rainy days, which trees need so much. There are many other reasons why trees need watering in the fall.
What is it for
Remember the most important rule: the more moisture in the soil, the better fruit trees grow. Experienced gardeners advise watering trees during the growing season, then next year the condition of trees and shrubs will be at their best. Due to prolonged watering, they will be enriched with vitamins and nutrients. Moreover, it will be easier for plants to survive the cold, the number of fruits for the next year will increase and the root system will not freeze. In other words, autumn watering of trees is a preparation for the winter period, because, as a rule, moist soil freezes less.
As for transplanted and young plants, they need to be given more attention. The reason is the fact that the roots of the trees or shrubs have not yet taken root.
If you neglect the autumn watering of trees, individual branches may dry out, especially the risk increases during the cold period. Another disadvantage may be sunburn of tree bark.
Video “Expert advice. Autumn watering the garden
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Features of watering
Watering trees in the fall in other words is called moisture charging. It is carried out in those places of the site where natural moisture comes across the least. First of all, columnar or dwarf trees require watering, since their roots are close enough to the soil surface. Such plants have a risk of freezing to the root system – they must be watered abundantly and in a timely manner.
Usually, water-charging irrigation is carried out in October and until mid-November. In September, at least at the beginning of the month, it is not advisable to water the plants, as they may begin to grow and will not be able to overwinter.
In the middle lane, watering is carried out from mid-October. In hot regions – in October and until November.
As for the amount of water, then you need to take into account the size and age of the plants. Currants, honeysuckle, blackberries require three to five buckets of water. For trees four to seven years old, five to ten buckets are usually used.
When watering plants from a hose, you need to set watering times of 10-15 minutes several times a day. A stable amount of moisture for trees is 60-90 liters per square meter.
When calculating how much water needs to be applied for each plant, it is important to take into account the soil moisture in a particular area. You can check this in the following way: take a small clod of earth and squeeze it in your palms. If it does not crumble, then you need to water the soil less, but more often, several times a day. In dry autumn, especially in September, it is better to double the amount of watering.
Remember that the root system of trees absorbs as much moisture as it needs. Even if you water the plants more than necessary, they will not suffer from this. But it is better to water in moderation, especially in September, when trees and shrubs are just moving away from the summer season.
It is necessary to dig the soil around the plants so that the earth is enriched with oxygen and water absorption is carried out faster.
Techniques and methods
There are several methods for watering fruit trees and shrubs in the fall. Consider the two main ones, in which the most optimal enrichment of the root system with moisture is carried out.
The first. Around the crown of the tree, that is, along the perimeter, you need to dig a small hole 10-15 cm deep and pour water into it. If you prefer to water the plants with a hose, this is the best method. Since the hose can be installed in the desired position and the water will fill the pit. After watering and soaking up water, the ditch made must be buried with earth.
The second method is underground watering of plants. It is best applied if the root is close enough to the soil. Wells must be made around each tree, the diameter of which should be 10-15 cm and the depth 50-60 cm. The well itself should be filled with pieces of brick, crushed stone or coarse sand. And through these fillers to water the trees, you can also make any kind of fertilizer. It is thanks to this method that the elements of phosphorus and potassium freely enter the root. At the same time, no crust remains on the surface, and the soil continues to be enriched with oxygen. Usually, experienced gardeners recommend using this method in September – thanks to the filter of sand and gravel, the optimal amount of moisture enters the root system of plants. But for young, newly planted plants, the first watering method is recommended.
In winter, the holes made must be covered with some kind of fertilizer or peat, otherwise there is a risk of freezing.
What you should not do
The first is to count on rainy days in the fall. Raindrops can only penetrate forty centimeters into the soil, and this is not enough for fruit trees. Therefore, it is worth additionally watering plants and even shrubs.
You should also not resort to winter watering on heavy clay soil and in lowlands. This method will be appropriate in forest and podzolic soil.
Of course, excessive moisture levels will not favorably affect plant growth in the spring. Set the timing and amount of water per day. To achieve the optimum ratio of water to soil, test how wet the soil is.
Many neglect garden compost, but in vain. Combining top dressing and compost from sawdust and straw, you thereby protect the root system for the winter.
In summer we always expect a rich harvest of apples, pears and other fruits. Their quality directly depends on how you take care of the trees in the fall. It was at this time, watering the plants, we lay them immunity to different weather conditions. The soil saturated with air and moisture allows the root system to develop for the better. Thereby increasing the quality of the harvest of fruits.
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