Dementia is often attributed to aging, as memory tends to get worse with age. In fact, this is a stereotype, and a dangerous one: believing that dementia is a mandatory attribute of aging, many people do not pay attention to its first symptoms. The diagnosis is determined too late, and it becomes almost impossible to cure a loved one — only to provide supportive measures. Let’s figure out what may indicate an early stage of the disease and how to prevent it.
What should I look for?
Usually, suspicions of dementia arise when an elderly person begins to forget the faces and names of loved ones, is poorly oriented in space, and cannot find his way home from the store where he went for many years. But if the diagnosis is made at this stage, then time has already been lost. Severe memory loss is not the only symptom of dementia. There are other signs to look out for.
1. Sloppiness
In the early stages of dementia, people tend to become sloppier. They dress casually, less often do cleaning in the apartment. If your always neat mother suddenly changed her habit of putting things in order, if you see that her apartment looks cluttered than usual, this is a reason to be wary.
2. Sudden mood swings
A person has just been happy — and now he is already irritated for no apparent reason. By the way, in a number of cases, obnoxiousness arises precisely because of dementia, but others think that “character just deteriorates with age.”
3. Increased anxiety
Alas, linking anxiety with dementia is not so simple. Moreover, the realities of the pandemic throw up a lot of reasons for stress even for young people — what can we say about the elderly! And yet, if your parents have become more anxious, if they are afraid of what they used to be calm about, take a closer look at them.
4. Apathy and depression
Apathy and depression are also not always associated with dementia, but in any case, you should not leave them unattended, no matter what they are caused by.
5. Change in gait
Of the external manifestations of dementia, it is worth mentioning the mincing or unsteady gait — it is no coincidence that it is usually called senile. But the point is not always that with age it becomes more difficult for a person to walk: disturbances in the blood supply to the brain, leading to dementia, can also affect coordination.
“It is very important to diagnose dementia as early as possible, because modern therapy can significantly slow down its development and prolong a full life, but it is important to apply it in the initial stages. The sooner a person receives such therapy, the more distant the state of complete helplessness. You need to be extremely careful not to miss alarming signals,” says Elena Evgenievna Vasenina, MD, Associate Professor of the Department of Neurology of the RMANPO.
Who to turn to for help?
So, you’ve noticed some worrying symptoms in your elderly parents. It is not at all necessary that this is dementia, but in any case there will be no need for precaution. The question is what to do and who to contact.
The fact is that this disorder can be caused by a variety of reasons — these are pathological processes occurring in the brain itself, and a violation of its blood supply (again due to a variety of diseases), and other diseases. So, dementia can be a side effect of alcoholism, metabolic problems. These diseases are treated by different specialists, but at the first suspicion of dementia, you should contact a neurologist.
If there are already noticeable negative changes in a person’s behavior, then it is worth making an appointment with a psychiatrist.
The problem is that dementia is a complex and serious disease. Its treatment requires appropriate experience, so not every doctor can help, but a specialist who purposefully deals with it. In addition, even among physicians there is still a belief that memory impairments are inevitable companions of old age.
Such a doctor will offer to reconcile, and time will be lost. Dementia is insidious because help only works at an early stage — there are special drugs that can delay the appearance of serious negative manifestations. This prolongs the full life of a person and removes the serious burden of caring for his loved ones. Therefore, it is better to immediately go to a trusted doctor who specializes in the treatment of dementia.
How to prevent dementia?
Unfortunately, there is no way to completely protect yourself from dementia, but you can reduce the risks of its occurrence. To do this, you need to eliminate the factors that lead to it. Of course, in youth one does not want to think about old age, but the sooner we start doing this, the better. On the other hand, it is never too late to take up prevention — it will give its effect at 50, and at 60, and at 70 years old. So what action should be taken?
Memory training
It is certainly needed, so any intellectual pursuits will benefit. It can be reading, learning foreign languages, solving crossword puzzles — anything will do.
body workout
It is no less important than memory training, because circulatory failures also lead to brain dysfunction. Few things are as good for the cardiovascular system as physical activity — of course, in reasonable amounts. Therefore, any health-improving physical activity is also a preventive measure. Nordic walking, yoga, Pilates, physiotherapy… It all depends on the general condition of the person and, again, on personal preferences.
Proper nutrition
Include more vegetables in your diet, especially leafy greens, fish, legumes, and don’t forget olive oil. But from products of deep processing, confectionery, fast food should be completely abandoned. If it doesn’t work out for good, then eat as little as possible and as little as possible. You can also follow existing nutrition systems: the DASH diet, the Mediterranean diet and the MIND diet, which is a combination of the first two. And, of course, give up bad habits, as smoking and alcohol abuse harm not only physical but also mental health.
Healthy sleep
Sleep 7-8 hours a day in complete silence. It is advisable to go to bed no later than 23 hours.
By following at least some of these recommendations, you can reduce your risk of developing dementia.