How to wash white sneakers

White running shoes. The phrase is luxurious, inviting, joyful and completely, completely impractical. After walking along the city roadsides, all the gloss quickly comes off the snow-white shoes. But you want them to remain the same as in the shop window! The pristine whiteness can be achieved with the help of some improvised means. We checked it works.

First you need to remove the insoles and laces – we wash them separately. Then just wash the sneakers from everything that can be washed with water and laundry soap. And only then we begin to struggle with those annoying errors that persist.

Homemade cleaning mixture. Pour a little liquid soap into a small container, add a pinch of ordinary soda and toothpaste, mix it all until smooth. We apply the resulting composition to the toothbrush and clean problem areas. Then we soak the shoes for 10 minutes in a basin with diluted washing powder, wash by hand and rinse thoroughly. Very carefully, otherwise yellow streaks will appear on the white!

Thermonuclear bleaching compound… The product is reliable, but it is categorically not recommended for a delicate mesh surface: it can corrode thin synthetics. We take ordinary washing powder, mix it with a teaspoon of table vinegar, add a few drops of hydrogen peroxide or lemon juice. You should get a thick gruel. Spread it over the surface with a brush, leave it on for a couple of minutes, rinse it off.

Washing in a typewriter. Modern machines even have a special washing mode for sports shoes. I just have a “delicate” one. In normal mode, sneakers cannot be washed, and after a delicate wash, the most important thing (as well as after a hand wash) is a thorough rinse.

Oxygen bleach. In the composition of such a tool there is an Oxi mark. Suitable for fabric shoes. We mix the product with a small amount of water (or better – check the instructions), apply on the sneakers for 15 minutes, rinse off.

Toothpaste. Not gel, of course. But be sure to whiten! We take a brush and gently rub the paste into the places where the dirt has eaten. When it dries up, remove excess paste with a cloth or sponge. You can try the same thing with tooth powder slightly diluted with water.

Text corrector. Yes, the most ordinary one. It is good for them to cover up a variety of scuffs and peeling. True, this is before the first wash. But we have already realized that, alas, we will often have to “bathe” white sneakers.

Nail polish. And that too! On my sneakers, for example, along with white ones, there are silver inserts. Already a few knocked down in stumbling over all sorts of harmful hemp on rough terrain and just out of the blue. Silver varnish does a great job of disguising these annoying scars.

Eraser. It works well for removing black streaks and streaks from hard parts of sneakers, for example, from the sole.

Acetone. We moisten a cotton pad with it and carefully wipe the sole, three heavily soiled places with special diligence.

Lemon acid. Apply to the sole in a clean form, brush it. You can also use table vinegar, but it must be diluted with water.

Factory white paint for shoes. Will delight exceptionally happy owners of leather sneakers, it is useless for other materials.

Potato starch and milk. For white leather sneakers, you can make a paste of potato starch diluted with milk in a 1: 1 ratio. Thickly smear the surface of the shoes with this paste, and then wash with a microfiber cloth dipped in warm water.

By the way!

It is necessary to dry the sneakers after the “bath” correctly, otherwise they will lose their shape. We stuff the shoes with paper towels or toilet paper and put them on the balcony or just in a warm, dry place. Do not use newspapers – traces of ink may appear on the sneakers.

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