How to wash white clothes in the washing machine

When washing any white clothes or underwear, you need to be extremely careful and understand the seriousness of the process. If you disrupt the washing process, then your favorite blouse or dress will lose its whiteness or simply shed. We will tell you how to wash white things properly.

Washing white linen: preparation

Before we figure out how to wash white things, we will conduct a preparatory stage with you. You probably know that before loading dirty clothes into a washing machine, it is imperative to sort the laundry into different piles. One is white, the other is black, and the third is colored. Do not wash white and colored clothes together, as things can be dyed and it is unlikely that they will be able to return to their former color.

Sorting stage

Now you need to move on to the second sorting stage in order to understand how to wash white linen correctly. And again we will divide things into several piles: slightly soiled and with stains that are difficult to remove. The first stack is in the drum. But the pile with stains needs to get rid of them initially.

Soaking laundry

Stain removal is not always possible with CMA, which is why soak dirty laundry first. It is most effective to fill a container with warm water and add stain remover there, and then place the laundry with stains. Depending on the complexity of the problem, leave things for no more than 4 hours. After that, drain the water, rinse the laundry and send it to the washer. What else can I wash clothes to remove non-standard stains? Let’s approach the problem in a non-standard way. You can use:

  • specialized stain removers;
  • a solution prepared from hydrogen peroxide and soda;
  • detergents for dishes;
  • household white soap.

The list can be even longer, but when getting rid of difficult stains, you need to act outside the box. Has a large grease stain appeared on your favorite T-shirt, or sweat marks on the collar of your shirt? Do you want to know how to remove stains so that the thing does not deteriorate? Pour some dish detergent on the stain, launder thoroughly, leave for a while and rinse! What is the best way to wash white clothes? To give clothes a pleasant freshness, it is recommended to use high-quality expensive washing products from well-known manufacturers.

Let’s start washing

Here we come to the main stage. Now you will learn how to wash whites in the washing machine. Once you’ve sorted through your whites, soaking them in stain remover and rinsing if necessary, move on to the next step. Not sure at what temperature to wash whites? The type of fabric is important here: cotton – 90 degrees, and preferably 60; silk and wool – 30 degrees. Always look at the clothes tag – it indicates the allowable temperature regime. When using a substance containing chlorine, you will be able to bleach yellowed things. Add special gels or tablets directly to the washing drum along with things.

Interesting! Often, many owners of washing machines wash clothes on a program designed to wash synthetic items.

You should be aware that you do not need to select the spin at maximum speed, as this can damage the fabric when twisting things strongly.

On a note!

We suggest you take into account a few more recommendations that will come in handy more than once:

  1. An important rule to remember is that it is best to sew white linen in the sun because it has properties to bleach things. It’s great if you can dry your clothes on the balcony.
  2. Bright things recommended turn inside out because in the sun they will fade and lose their color.
  3. Always before hanging white laundry check the drying line for cleanliness : it should be free of dirt and rust.
  4. When the clothes are dry remove it immediately and put it in the closet.
  5. Before hanging bed linen or towels, they must be straighten carefully and shake.

Important! Try to dry your clothes outside to get the sun’s rays on them. This will give the linen whiteness.

Such simple recommendations will help you no longer wonder how to wash white things, giving them a pleasant and neat look. May your clothes always be clean and snow-white!

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