How to wash the oven from old fat and soot: methods and means

Even a very dirty oven can be washed. Perhaps not at once or immediately not to the ideal state, but it is possible. And there are several ways.

How to prepare your oven for cleaning

Strong substances are used to clean ovens from burnt fat and food debris. So that they do not damage the rubber bands, it is better to remove them.

Even a very dirty and smoky oven can be cleaned. Need to know what and how
  • First of all, turn off the oven from the power supply. Even if it is gas, but with backlight and electric ignition. Either turn off the machine on the supply line, or remove the plug from the socket.
  • Then we take out the grates and baking sheets. If they are stainless steel or enamelled, you can use the same cleaning products as for ovens. But it is more convenient to do this washing them in the sink. And remember that aluminum and galvanized require gentle means.
  • Some ovens may have removable side rails and/or side walls.
  • On the oven door, we pull out the rubber seal from the grooves. As a rule, it is held by the protrusions on the back. So you can pry it off with something flat (not with a knife, better with a screwdriver or a nail file) and pull it out.
    To prevent oven cleaner from damaging the rubber, remove the sealing cord from the door

The holes that were opened after the seal was removed must be covered with something. Pieces of electrical tape or tape will do. This will prevent cleaning agents and dirty water from getting inside the door.

What you need

Use rubber gloves with long “sleeves”, made of thick rubber. Before work, open a window (window) and use a mask or construction (medical) respirator.

For work you need good rubber gloves, rags, sponges and water

Also, to clean the oven, you will need kitchen sponges, rags or porous, highly absorbent napkins / cleaning rags. You may need metal scrapers (stainless steel) or hard sponges. A bucket of water that can be changed several times.

How to wash the oven: folk / improvised means

If the oven is not too dirty, you can try “folk” remedies. Best of all, fat is removed with alkali. Of the “improvised” means – this is drinking or soda ash, mustard powder, laundry soap. How to use them will be described below.

Ways to clean the oven

We clean with soda (without heating) and / or mustard

Apply baking soda to a damp sponge and spread over the surface to be cleaned. Soda can be food, but soda ash is more effective, albeit more caustic. It is necessary to work with calcined with gloves.

You can make a paste out of dry soda by adding water and a little dishwashing detergent to it. It is more convenient to apply the paste on the walls of the oven. Dry mustard powder is precisely turned into a paste, diluted with water, otherwise there will be no effect.

Cleansing with citric acid. And lemons are optional. Vinegar or citric acid from the store is enough

Close the oven door (so as not to dry out), leave for at least 20 minutes and start rubbing. If the apartment is dry and hot, put a bowl of warm water inside.

To begin with, the applied product can not be washed off, but try to clean it with the back of a kitchen sponge. If it doesn’t work, then try a metal scraper, brush, or leave it for another 15-20 minutes. Instead of soda (or together with it), you can use baking powder. Sometimes it helps to add bite. After the end of the reaction, three again.

Mustard powder is good for fat loss

Things can go faster if you put a bowl of water inside the “spread” field and turn on the oven for a short while. Don’t overheat. It is only necessary to heat up to 40-50 ° C, and not dry. And you need to rub immediately after turning it off, until the soda / mustard has dried.

Laundry soap

The second home alkaline oven cleaner is laundry soap. This is the most gentle way, but also the least effective. For the best effect, after applying the soap paste, you can heat the oven. But not much, but up to 30-35 degrees. To soften the fat and dissolve faster. And anyway, this method is for regular care, but not for old pollution.

Cleaning the oven with home remedies: laundry soap

Brown laundry soap with a high content of alkali works better. Rub dry soap on a coarse grater (ordinary kitchen grater), fill the soap shavings with water, wait until it gets wet. Apply the resulting paste to the walls and bottom of the oven and leave for half an hour, rub and wash.

My ammonia

Not to say that the remedy is “home”, but definitely folk. It will be necessary to put a grate inside (approximately in the middle of the height), preheat the oven to 65-75 degrees. Take two metal bowls, pour boiling water into one, about 200 ml of ammonia into the other.

ammonia cleaning

We put ammonia in a preheated oven on the grate, under it, at the bottom – a bowl of hot water. We close the door without removing the seal, and leave it for 8 hours or more (preferably overnight). After that, you can clean it from softened fatty deposits and soot.

Ammonia will leave a smell, so you can’t cook food right away. First you need to warm up with the door open. If it does not help, then we use activated charcoal (described below).

Cleaning with soda and citric acid with heating (suitable for heavily soiled)

We take a large saucepan, pour 3 liters of water into it, add 250-300 grams of soda and 250-300 grams of citric acid (can be replaced with vinegar). We are waiting for the end of the reaction. After that, we turn on the oven at 200 degrees, put the pan with the solution.

We wait until it starts to boil, make sure that the liquid does not pour out. Boiling should continue for at least an hour. You will see for yourself when the plaque from the walls and top of the chamber begins to dissolve and fall off. In the process, you will need to add water, otherwise you will burn the pan. When the soot becomes soft (even in appearance it will be different), turn off the oven. After it cools down, clean everything with dishwashing gel, sponge, brush and scraper.

In this way, even the back and top walls can be cleaned to a shine.

Miracles should not be expected from folk remedies. They work, but it will take more than one “run” and possibly a combination of several or all methods to clean burnt fossilized fat.

How to easily clean the oven: store-bought products

It is easier and faster to wash the oven with the help of special chemicals. You can find them at any home improvement store. They are usually labeled “for ovens”, “grease thinner/cleaner” or something similar. There are three types of store cleaning chemicals:

  • spray,
  • gel
  • liquids.

Each release form has its own advantages and disadvantages. Sprays are convenient because they are easy and quick to apply even in hard-to-reach places. They also have their minus – they “smell” more strongly. Wear a mask or respirator when spraying. In extreme cases – a handkerchief, a towel. Cover your mouth and nose with them. When sprayed, small drops fall not only on the face, they can be inhaled, which causes severe coughing fits.

There are many different products in stores and not only

We spray the product on the walls of the oven at the top, and it will drain down. It remains only to fill in the “gaps” or apply an additional “portion” to dirtier places.

Oven cleaner in gel form is good for glass. It’s also easier to target spots. And the smell is less. But it is better to work with gloves – they strongly corrode the skin. In hard-to-reach places, the gel can be applied with brushes. It is possible with a sponge, but it is not so convenient.

On the walls, the product begins to foam

Liquid oven cleaner is applied with a sponge. It can also be poured into a spray bottle if you have one on the farm. Often the neck of the bottle has standard sizes, so you can simply wind the sprinkler itself instead of the cork.

Examples of household oven cleaners

You will find several different names in any home improvement store or supermarket. There is a significant difference in price. “Cheaper” is usually not as advertised or locally produced. They can be just as effective, but everything is determined experimentally. Moreover, for different contaminants, different means can be “best”. Here are the names of some of the most famous oven cleaners:

  • Milam (gel).
  • Well don Antifat.
  • San Klin for ovens.
  • Schumanite.
  • Mister proper.
Price is not an indicator of performance

There are more expensive ones – Amway (Amway) or Faberlic (Faberlic). They work really well and quickly clean off the fat, literally dissolve it and soot, burnt residues. I’ve been using the Amway Cleaner for many years. But Mister Muscle also did a good job. Albeit slower. And I had to rub more. But the bottles of Amway lasted for a long time, and the spray left quickly. In general, I have not decided whether the “ordinary” remedy is really cheaper.

How to quickly clean the oven

If there is no time for experiments, you can quickly deal with old dirt with the help of grill cleaners. They are even more pungent and potent, with a stronger odor. It is best to work with them outdoors. At the very least, open a window.

You can quickly clean the oven with the help of professional chemistry

Grill cleaners often come in the form of gels, but sprays are also available. After cleaning, you will have to rinse everything with water several times and then warm the oven “idle” until the odors disappear.

There is another category of products for quick cleaning of ovens – this is professional chemistry. You can buy it in special stores or find it online. This is almost the same as in the stores, but more concentrated and effective.

We clean the grates

Means for cleaning grates are the same as those used for ovens. We offer such a method. We remove the grates, treat with a chemical agent and put them in a garbage bag of sufficient size.

We tightly tie it so that the smell does not spread, leave it for a while. The time may be indicated on the cleaning agent. After that, it remains to get the grates and wash them in warm water with soap until the chemicals are removed.

How to wash glass and what to do with sealing rubber

To begin with, about the rubber seal on the oven door. It is better not to wash it with aggressive chemicals, but to soak it in a solution of laundry soap. After a couple of hours, with a sponge and dish detergent, finish cleaning.

For especially dirty areas, apply dish detergent to the sponge and dip it in baking soda. Then three pollution until they dissolve. After cleaning, rinse with water, dry and then reinstall.

To prevent the rubber seal from losing elasticity, remove it before using chemicals.

The oven glass can be cleaned with the same products as the inside of the oven cavity. It is easier to work with the gel, as it spreads easily and evenly and does not spread much.

What not to do when washing the oven

After cleaning the oven, do not cook food immediately. If the smell is not too strong, just preheat the oven for 5-15 minutes. This will burn off the remaining substances, and the smell will disappear.

If the smell is too strong, chemical neutralization is required. Pour one liter of water into a baking sheet and lay out 10-15 tablets of activated charcoal. We put it in the oven, turn it on and leave it for half an hour or so. At the same time, make sure that the water does not boil away, add it if necessary. After turning off the liquid, pour it out and wash the baking sheet. The smell should be gone (or almost).

How not to wash the oven – abrasive products
  • Choose your cleaning products carefully. As already mentioned, active chemistry should not be used for aluminum and rubber.
  • Do not use abrasive substances to clean the walls and glass, you will definitely damage the surface. Even when working with baking soda, be careful not to rub too hard.
  • Also, do not be zealous with metal sponges and brushes.
  • Do not use chlorine products.


All of the above methods for cleaning burnt fat have varying degrees of purification and toxicity. And some products are not recommended for cleaning too often, as they are very toxic. Well, the conclusion of the video on the topic:

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