How to wash the nose with a cold?

In the cold season, when the number of colds and SARS, accompanied by a runny nose, increases dramatically, the problem of eliminating nasal secretions and nasal congestion becomes urgent, since these symptoms make it difficult to breathe, interfere with normal healthy sleep, and can also cause a lot of complications.

Many people wonder how to wash their nose with a runny nose? There are many effective ways to do this, one of which is washing the nasal passages with ordinary salt water, which allows you to relieve congestion, make breathing easier, and reduce mucus secretion.

How to rinse your nose with a runny nose?

For maximum cleansing of the nasal cavity from mucus and pathogenic microbes that contribute to the development of inflammatory processes and a runny nose, nasal lavage is used. This is not a complicated procedure at all, but it should be carried out correctly so as not to harm your health and not provoke the development of possible complications, for example, otitis media. Anyone can do the right thing. For self-washing the nose at home, you can use one of the options listed below.

A simple way

A pharmaceutical solution for washing the nose or boiled water with salt should be scooped up with the palms of your hands or poured into a saucer, bend over and slowly draw in the liquid first from one nostril, pressing the other with your finger, blow your nose and do the same with the second nostril. After that, the liquid that has entered the oral cavity must be spit out and rinsed with plain boiled water to remove the remnants of mucus and the drug. For washing, only a warm, room temperature solution is used, while the liquid is drawn in, it is recommended to keep the mouth open. With a severe runny nose, the procedure should be carried out every two hours.

Method with washing the nasopharynx

A runny nose, accompanied by purulent processes, that is, sore throat, enlarged tonsils, etc., is also effectively treated with nasal lavage, which kills the pathogenic flora and ensures the removal of plaque characteristic of inflammatory diseases of the nasopharynx.

For the procedure you will need:

  • Prepare a saline solution at the rate of one third of a teaspoon of salt per glass of boiled water or buy a ready-made product based on sea salt in a pharmacy;

  • Fill a syringe, a medical bulb (required with a soft tip) or a syringe without a needle with a solution for washing;

  • Lean at a right angle over some container (bath, basin, etc.), open your mouth, sticking out your tongue;

  • Insert the tip of a pear, syringe or syringe into the nostril and slowly squeeze out their contents so that the liquid, passing through the nasopharynx, pours out of the oral cavity.

After the procedure, you need to blow your nose and do the same with the second nostril. For the correct implementation of this operation, you should turn your head to the side and pour the solution into the nostril that turned out to be higher, that is, turning your head to the left, you need to rinse the right half of the nasal cavity, and vice versa. If the flushing is performed correctly, a small part of the injected solution will be removed from the opposite nostril, and the main liquid through the mouth.

After the procedure, the remnants of the solution and pathogenic mucus should be removed from the nasopharynx by blowing. By following all these simple rules, you can greatly ease your breathing and get rid of a runny nose in a few days.

Medications for washing the nose

In addition to traditional medicine recipes, ready-made medications are used to wash the nose, which help in the fight against congestion and runny nose.

Furacilin for washing the nose

Furacilin is one of the main tools that are actively used for washing the nose.

In pharmacies, you can purchase a ready-made solution of furacilin or a drug in tablets, the solution of which is prepared as follows:

  • Crush two tablets of furacilin;

  • Heat 200 milliliters of boiled water to a temperature of 40 ° C;

  • Mix the powder obtained from the tablets with water;

  • Strain.

Washing the sinuses with furatsilin is carried out three times a day for five to seven days. This simple remedy, which is an excellent antiseptic, is not inferior in effectiveness to expensive drugs.

Saline and preparations based on it

Saline (saline) is widely used in medicine for various procedures – as an antibacterial agent for treating wounds and abrasions, as an anti-inflammatory agent for eye diseases. For the treatment of the common cold, it is used by inhalation with a nebulizer and washing the sinuses. It gently sanitizes the nasopharynx and thins the mucus, which contributes to its faster removal.

Saline is an inexpensive remedy, you can freely buy it at a pharmacy or prepare it yourself. To prepare saline, you need a liter of boiled water and a teaspoon of salt. The components must be well mixed and filtered. Such a tool is not sterile, but it is quite suitable for the washing procedure.

Saline solution is part of many medicines for the common cold – drops, sprays, solutions for washing. Among them, the most popular are Dolphin, Quicks, Aqualor, Aqua-Maris, Otrivin, etc. But in addition to saline, they contain additional substances that enhance the effectiveness of the drug, for example, extracts and extracts of medicinal plants, which generally affects price.

Washing the nose in children is recommended to be carried out with special products that are sold in pharmacies, as they are equipped with convenient bottles for easy and safe irrigation of the mucosa.

Contraindications for nasal lavage

Any therapeutic effect on the body, and washing the nose is no exception, should be carried out on the recommendation of a doctor so as not to complicate the situation. This is due to the fact that even such a simple procedure has some contraindications.

You can not wash the nose with:

  • Severe swelling of the nasal cavity, causing obstruction;

  • Tumor formations of the nasal mucosa;

  • Curvature of the nasal septum;

  • Predisposition to nosebleeds;

  • Inflammation of the middle ear (otitis media); (read also: causes and symptoms of otitis media, how to treat it?);

  • Existing perforation of the eardrum;

  • Individual intolerance to the components of the preparation for washing.

Thus, the right choice can be made only after a diagnostic study, which is possible only when contacting a specialist.

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