How to wash stained glass paint from glass: recommendations

How to wash stained glass paint from glass: recommendations

Stained glass is a decorative composition made on a glass surface. Most often, the window opening is filled with it, so that the rays of the sun, penetrating there, make the image bright and expressive. To create a stained-glass window, they use special paints, with the help of which transparent doors and mirrors are also decorated in the room. However, not everyone knows how, if necessary, to remove the applied pattern from the surface.

How to wash off stained glass paint – tips

How to wash off stained glass paint?

After the paint has dried, a film image will appear at the place of its application. It will be quite sticky, therefore, having set a goal, the drawing can be removed with the help of improvised means. However, you need to do this carefully, as there is a risk of scratching the glass. To remove stained glass, the following are best suited:

· Solvent (white spirit or acetone) and liquid for washing glasses;

Stain remover used for clothing (if necessary);

· A solution made from soap and ice cubes (freezer);

· A foam sponge, newspaper (viscose napkin), cotton wool and a sharp knife.

It is often required to wash off stained glass paint from glass if the composition has been there for a long time, has managed to get dirty or faded. Sometimes washing windows with a special liquid helps. In this case, some part of the pattern may remain on the surface, so its remnants will still have to be cleaned with other means.

Methods for washing off stained glass paint

The film image, which is glued to the glass, can be re-glued to another place if desired. The old stained glass window will easily come off if you slightly pry its edge with a knife, and then remove the colorful film. The following paint removal methods are also used:

  • Place small items decorated with stained-glass windows – cups, vases and glasses – in the freezer and keep them there for a short time. In the process of cleaning with a knife, decorative elements fall off on their own;
  • read the composition carefully before using the paint. If it is made on a water basis, then the drawing can be easily wiped off with a foam rubber sponge, which must be moistened with soapy water;
  • Can stained glass paints made with synthetic solvents be washed off? In this case, purchase a special acetone product suitable for removing such a composition.

Residual dye from the window will be removed with glass cleaner. After the entire procedure, polish it with a newspaper or napkin. Thus, the issue of cleaning surfaces from stained-glass windows will be resolved.

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