How to wash soot, wash glass jars, ceiling from soot

How to wash soot, wash glass jars, ceiling from soot

How to wash off the soot after a fire

How to clean the ceiling from soot

The main difficulty lies in the fact that the ceiling covering can be different and general cleaning methods are not always suitable here. Main steps:

· The easiest way to clean the soot is from the glass ceiling. It is enough to apply window cleaning liquid on it, wipe it with a crumpled newspaper, and then with a soft cloth;

· The laminate will not create problems either. It is easy to remove the soot from it with a sponge dipped in refined gasoline or alcohol;

· From ceramic tiles, fumes are removed with good dishwashing detergents or special – for ceramic tiles;

· The wooden ceiling can be cleaned with the old old-fashioned method, rubbing it with red brick or river sand;

· The most difficult to deal with soot on water-based paint and whitewash. Small stains can still be removed: sprinkle them with salt, and then sweep it off after a couple of days. And if the entire ceiling is smoked, then only a new painting will save it. But the soot should still be removed as much as possible, otherwise the paint will not fall on it. This can be done by cleaning the surface with a brush and rubbing with rubbing alcohol.

If the fire was large, it is still better to invite professionals for cleaning. They have experience and special cleaning products that are difficult to buy in a store.

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