How to wash off burdock oil from hair. Video

How to wash off burdock oil from hair. Video

Women dream of beautiful and thick hair, so they increasingly resort to using folk recipes and use various oils to strengthen curls. However, castor and burdock oils have one significant drawback – they are very difficult to wash off the hair. You can do this with some tips and tricks.

How to wash off burdock oil from hair

To make olive, burdock or castor oil rinse well from your hair, mix it first with a less dense essential oil. For this purpose, grape, almond, or rosemary oil is perfect. In this case, you will receive a mask that will relieve nervous tension, improve your mood and strengthen your hair.

Oils should be applied exclusively to the hair roots. It will be much more difficult to wash off the mask if it is applied to the entire length of the strands. Some women prefer to use dishwashing liquid to rinse the oil off their curls.

But you should take into account the fact that such products contain chemicals that will definitely not benefit your hair.

Vinegar is the most effective and simple remedy for removing oil residues on your hair. Dilute one tablespoon of vinegar (8-9%) in a liter of water and rinse your hair thoroughly. Then apply shampoo to the head, massage the hair roots thoroughly and rinse with plenty of warm water. By the way, in this case, you can replace vinegar with lemon juice.

Never use laundry soap to wash off the oil from your hair, it will only dry out the scalp.

Egg yolk can help get rid of the oil on your hair

After using a castor, olive or burdock mask, ordinary egg yolk will help get rid of the grease in the hair. Whisk the yolk well and massage into scalp and hair before washing. After rinsing the hair abundantly with water, the yolk can be easily washed off along with the oil from the hair. Then you can use your usual shampoo. Although you can do without it, since egg yolk has the ability to cope not only with grease, but also with hair pollution.

Egg yolk perfectly strengthens the hair roots. Never use too hot water to wash your hair, as this will cause it to dry out and fall out.

There is an equally effective way to remove oil from hair with a mustard-based rinse.

To prepare it, you will need:

  • 2 tablespoons mustard powder
  • 1 liter of warm boiled water

Dissolve the powder in water, rinse the hair and scalp with the resulting composition, then apply shampoo and beat into a thick lather. Rinse off with hot water. If necessary, you can repeat the procedure again.

Also interesting to read: styling for long hair.

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