How to wash nylon tights

How to wash nylon tights

Familiar and comfortable, spectacular and elegant, nylon tights and stockings require special care in order to maintain an attractive appearance and integrity. The fragility of these garments does not allow normal washing in automatic machines along with other linen: they, like lace underwear, require more delicate handling.

How to wash nylon tights by hand?

This is the most reliable and convenient method of cleaning, because due to the excessively fast absorption of odors, tights must at least be rinsed after each wear. Optimal care options:

  • soaking items in a bowl of lukewarm or cold water, to which a small amount of detergent has been added. Preference should be given to liquid detergents, as well as special substances for delicate washing;
  • in fact, washing is done soft, without jerking, friction and twisting movements. Lightly soiled tights and stockings can be simply rinsed thoroughly in a washing solution;
  • rinsing products is done without sudden movements, it is not advisable to twist it, it is better to gently wring out the things in a soft towel;
  • for drying, you can use a traditional rope or clothes dryer, especially delicate items are dried flat on a towel.

How to wash nylon tights by hand and in the washing machine without damaging the thing?

You should be especially careful in relation to openwork, mesh and decorated with embroidery or rhinestones products. Here, only rinsing and drying in a towel are allowed. It is advisable to wash it with household gloves: this will not only protect the skin of the hands from damage, but also prevent the creation of clues on the delicate nylon from nails or rings.

How to properly wash tights in a washing machine

This procedure is carried out exclusively on gentle modes and only in a special laundry bag. In the absence of such a bag, you can replace it with an old pillowcase or T-shirt, tying them in the form of a bag. It is unacceptable to load items with zippers, Velcro, buckles and shaped buttons into the drum at the same time.

It is also not advisable to wash tights together with woolen products – the fluff and pile will clog the nylon, making it unusable

Alternative types of washing, or How to wash tights with ultrasound

This type of cleaning is, perhaps, optimal: washing is carried out in the most gentle mode and at the same time is highly efficient. To carry out the procedure, tights and stockings, as well as delicate linen and delicate items made of silk and lace, are soaked in a basin with detergent, after which an ultrasonic washing device is placed in the center of the basin and switched on for the time specified in the instruction manual.

This type of washing is most attractive for ladies who care about the beauty of not only their legs in exquisite nylon tights, but also about the safety of elegant manicure.

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