How to wash kitchen towels: washing examples step by step

A towel in the kitchen is one of the most quickly soiled items. When everything is shiny from cleanliness, the whole look can be ruined by a towel that shows stains from tea, oil or tomato. In the article we will tell you how to wash kitchen towels in simple ways, and give a few tricks from experienced housewives.

With proper use and care, kitchen towels will stay fresh and clean.

Stains left over from previous washes spoil the appearance of the towel. The desire to put it in order leads to the purchase of expensive laundry detergents, or the purchase of new towels. Often this is a waste of money. The right approach to choosing a towel will help change the situation.

The choice of towels for the kitchen

Ideally washing kitchen towels is not only possible, but also necessary for health. After all, dirty towels become a breeding ground for bacteria, germs, as well as fungi and infections.

You can avoid some problems by choosing the right kitchen towel. When choosing, they are guided by the material, size, pattern, and the required number of logs should also be taken into account.

  • The size. Do not buy oversized towels for the kitchen – they are inconvenient to use.
  • Material. Terry towels for the kitchen – the most inappropriate option. They quickly wash out, instantly absorb all the dirt, and after the third wash, their appearance leaves much to be desired. It is wiser to give preference to natural cotton waffle towels or viscose napkins.
  • Drawing. Many housewives like bright towels, but this option is impractical. The pattern quickly fades after frequent washes, and the towel becomes faded. This is especially true for synthetic fabrics. The color is better to choose not snow-white, but beige, gray, brown or olive. These shades look stylish and attractive.
  • Quantity. You need to pick up such a number of hand towels that you do not need to wash them every 2-3 days, but at the same time, there should not be too many of them. A large amount will allow the old to stale. Six to eight pieces is enough for comfortable use.
Choosing the Right Kitchen Towels Reduces Hassle and Saves Money

Having picked up towels, we turn to how to give them cleanliness and appearance for a long time. Let’s take a look at the best, proven ways to wash kitchen towels.

Classic method

To achieve cleanliness and freshness of kitchen towels, with their proper use, you can use classical methods without the use of special tools. But such methods are only suitable when there are no old and difficult stains on the towel.

Wash kitchen towels separately from regular clothes.

Choose detergents according to the type of fabric. It would be useful to add a stain remover, and for white towels – bleach.

When washing in a classic washing machine, select the mode depending on the type and material of the towels.

  • 90–95 °C for cotton;
  • up to 60 °C – colored.

For synthetic or terry products, it is better to choose a lower temperature, but plain waffle towels will survive hot water temperatures.


If classic washing did not bring the desired results, then more complex methods should be used. For example, soaking. The bottom line is that towels are immersed in water with a special solution, the composition of which is selected depending on the material of the towels and the nature of the stains.

Most often, in order to soak kitchen towels before washing, a solution of washing powder and a few tablespoons of salt diluted in hot water is used. Immerse dry towels in the solution. Rubbed laundry soap, stain remover or dishwashing detergent will be useful in the solution.

Important. The soaking time depends on the degree of contamination, and lasts from one hour. Most often, the laundry is soaked overnight.

Soaking kitchen towels helps remove many stubborn stains.

If the towels have difficult stains, they need to be worked on in advance. For example, greasy stains can be pre-filled with dishwashing detergent. Baking soda helps a lot. Soda should be poured onto the oil stain and left for a couple of hours. Stains from berries, juice or fruits are best filled with regular shampoo. Ammonia is great for removing coffee stains.

Soaking with vegetable oil

Not all housewives know that you can soak kitchen towels in vegetable oil. The effectiveness of the method is confirmed by the reviews of housewives. Here is the easiest recipe:

  • half a bucket of hot water;
  • 2 tablespoons of sunflower oil;
  • a glass of washing powder;
  • 2 tablespoons of dry bleach.

When using powder for hand washing, 0,7 cups will suffice. Dry towels are immersed in the solution until completely cooled. This method is best for washing white waffle towels. It restores their snow-whiteness and eliminates the most difficult stains.

Vegetable oil can be added during boiling and washing

Soaking in mustard powder

Another interesting ingredient that will bring back brightness and cleanliness to kitchen towels is mustard powder. The solution is prepared at the rate of 3 tablespoons of powder per liter of water, in which towels must be left for at least 3 hours. The method is suitable for both white and colored towels.

Folk remedies

There are many tools that can be used when soaking:

  • potassium permanganate solution – will help remove unpleasant odors from towels;
  • citric acid – eliminates old spots;
  • ammonia – helps to clean traces of coffee;
  • salt – removes stains of red wine and tomato;
  • vinegar – will get rid of dark stains of mold and smell.

By consistency, it should be a thick solution, and you need to apply it by pointwise application to the stain. After soaking, the products are washed in the normal mode of the washing machine.

The table shows examples of what kinds of contaminants will be effective against different simple means.

PollutionEffective remedy
Grease spotsdishwashing liquid
laundry soap
gasoline or turpentine
a piece of chalk
boiling water
a mixture of glycerin and vodka (1k1)
laundry soap
Coffee and teasalt
laundry soap
Greens and grasslemon acid


The method that housewives have been using since Soviet times is boiling. To give towels a second life by boiling, you will need:

  • enameled pan (in the future it will not be possible to use it for cooking);
  • water;
  • washing powder;
  • grated laundry soap;
  • soda.

When rubbing soap, be sure to use a mask, as small particles and shavings from soap, getting into the respiratory tract, cause irritation.

Towels are boiled in a saucepan from 20 minutes to several hours. Then rinse thoroughly and go to the washing machine.

Boiling towels is a very effective method for removing stains and odors.

For boiling, home remedies are often used, which also do an excellent job with pollution:

  • Silicate glue – 3 tablespoons per liter of water.
  • Vegetable oil – 2-3 tablespoons per bucket with the addition of powder and soda.

Removing stubborn stains

There are certain dirt and old stains that are very difficult to get rid of.

The main thing in the formation of stains is that the sooner action is taken, the higher the chances of getting a good result.

It is also important to choose the right product that can dissolve the stain. In particular:

  • Oil or grease stains can be removed with dishwashing detergent, baking soda, hydrogen peroxide, ammonia, starch gruel, or chalk.
  • From juices, berries or fruits, boiling water, shampoo, a mixture of glycerin and vodka, laundry soap will help.
  • With stains from tea or coffee, ammonia, salt or laundry soap will help.
  • Thinner – will help from stains of paint.
  • Traces of fresh greens or rust will be removed by acetic or citric acid and ammonia.

Express laundry

When there is no time for soaking, the latest method will help. The main tool in this method is microwave! If you have heard that you can get rid of stains with a microwave, now is the time to try it. The method will help in a matter of minutes to get rid of even difficult stains.


  1. take a dirty kitchen towel and soak it thoroughly with water;
  2. rub with laundry soap; for stubborn stains, you can use a stain remover;
  3. place the towel in a regular plastic bag, but do not tie it;
  4. put the bag in the microwave so that it does not touch the walls;
  5. choose an average power in the range of 400–500 W;
  6. turn on the microwave for 1 minute 30 seconds;
  7. if necessary, after cooling the package, you can repeat the procedure;
  8. carefully remove the towels with tongs or potholders;
  9. rinse in warm water;
  10. wash in the usual way in the washing machine.
Washing kitchen towels in the microwave is quite effective.

This method works on the same principle as boiling, but much faster.

We wash off the smell

A solution of vinegar and soda penetrates deep into the threads of the fabric. Its use during washing will help get rid of the smell of kitchen towels and the smell in the washing machine itself. The simplest example using table vinegar:

  1. pour 1 tablespoon of 9% vinegar into the powder compartment;
  2. add 1 tbsp. a spoonful of soda;
  3. set the mode with the maximum temperature;
  4. after heating the water, stop the machine for 1 hour;
  5. after the end of the main wash program, turn on the extra rinse.
In most cases, a washing machine and a good powder can remove the smell from a towel.

Important. Vinegar and baking soda are bleaching agents. The method is best used for white or light products.


To make cleaning and cooking enjoyable, keep your towels clean. Experienced housewives advise changing the towel every 2-3 days, using them only for wiping hands, and in other cases using disposable napkins.

Kitchen towels are not designed to wipe tables, stovetops, kitchen utensils or crockery, nor are they intended to be used as oven mitts. It is better to diversify the assortment of kitchen textiles with potholders, napkins for dishes and tables, using each item for its intended purpose.

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