How to wash hair dye, tools and methods

How to wash hair dye, tools and methods

Few succeed in dyeing their hair accurately. Stains from the composition remain on the palms, on the forehead, cheeks and neck. Not only expensive professional products can wash off the paint, but also ordinary products used on the farm.

How and with what to remove hair dye from the skin?

The coloring composition is hard to wipe off the skin, whether it is tinted shampoo or very resistant paint. The methods of dealing with them do not differ, in all cases the same methods are used.

How can you wash your hair dye:

· soap;

· slice of lemon;

· Baking soda, diluted with water to obtain gruel;

· kefir;

· Baby or vegetable oil (it is better to leave it overnight).

You can use cosmetics – makeup remover liquid or wipes, whitening toothpaste, fine scrub. Any paint can be removed with alcohol or acetone (used to remove varnish). This method is used in extreme cases, as it greatly dries the skin, causes redness and irritation.

The coloring composition is easily absorbed into the application area. The longer time passes, the more it eats in. Therefore, you need to start removing stains immediately after dyeing your hair. Stages:

  • with a cotton swab, apply the cleanser to the skin;
  • rub the contaminated area until the paint is completely removed or lightened;
  • thoroughly rinse the composition from the skin.

After the procedure, a moisturizing cream is applied to the treated area.

How to remove hair dye with unsuccessful dyeing

With regular use, folk recipes help completely wash off even stubborn paint:

  • vegetable oil returns color to hair, while also strengthening, moisturizing, nourishing them. In a heated form, it is applied to the strands and held for several hours (the longer, the more noticeable the effect);
  • kefir – an acid that is part of the product, destroys the chemical compounds of the paint. It is better to make the mask from fatty kefir, its exposure time is up to 3 hours.

It is better to promptly return the hair color from a professional master, especially if the new image is very different from the original one. Home methods take more time, as in one procedure they lighten the hair only one or two tones.

Preventing paint from getting on your skin is even easier than removing the effects. To do this, before the procedure, it is worth lubricating the affected areas with vegetable oil or cream. Such a barrier will prevent the caustic composition from absorbing, and paint that accidentally gets on the skin can be easily washed off with water.

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