How to wash curtains: tips
If the windows are the eyes of the house, then the curtains are practically their make-up. And we already know what sloppy makeup is and what its consequences are for our female reputation. So, today we are putting the curtains and curtains in order.
How to wash curtains
First of all, about the main thing: curtains need to be changed (and therefore washed or cleaned) at least twice a year. The rest of the time, they will benefit from the usual airing of the room. Open the windows and let the curtains run in the breeze for a few hours. So unobtrusively you shake off the dust from them, and at the same time freshen the air in the house.
Dry cleaning
Curtains of all stripes (up to tulle) can be dry-cleaned (approximate prices are given in the table). In addition, some cleaning companies, along with cleaning the apartment and washing windows, offer an additional service.
Prices for dry cleaning curtains firm “Diana”
Curtains, drapes
DOUBLE Curtains for 1 sq. m 130220 1 Dense curtains (curtains, tapestry products, panels) for 95160 sq. m 1 Thin curtains (silk, tulle) for 70115 sq. m 95160 XNUMX Brushes, garters XNUMX XNUMX
To wash
Curtains made of artificial or mixed (they must contain at least 10% synthetics) fabrics, as well as kitchen curtains made of cotton, can survive washing. Since this event, as a rule, is extremely rare, and the curtains really want to return their pristine cleanliness and freshness – there are some general rules that apply to all types of curtains:
Curtains and drapes
If you are not a member of the Russian national weightlifting team, it is best to dry-clean thick curtains and curtains, especially if you do not know the composition of the fabric. If you do decide to wash them, you will have to do it carefully, which means it will be long and tedious. To get rid of dust stuck in a heavy material, the curtains must first be soaked – several times in plain cold water (you can add soda or salt to it) and several times in slightly warm water with powder. After that – hand or gentle machine wash with a gentle detergent. You cannot rub, boil. Rinse in warm, then cold water. And no spin! Allow the water to drain to avoid damaging the texture of the fabric or stretching it.
Read more about stain removal here.
Tulle, silk, organza
Subtle natures, therefore, you need to handle them extremely carefully.
They are pre-soaked in cold water (to remove dust, you will have to change the water several times). Just do not abuse the time: if synthetic curtains are wet for a long time, folds may form on them that cannot be smoothed out.
Then the curtains are washed by hand at a water temperature of up to 30 degrees. If your washing machine has a non-spinning delicate mode, you can use it. Since curtains and curtains tend to wrinkle a lot, place them in a pillowcase before loading them into the machine. Wash separately, making sure the weight does not exceed half the recommended load. Organza and tulle are ironed at the lowest temperature.
By the way, a great way to avoid ironing is to hang the washed curtains on the windows while wet.
How to return the tulle to whiteness: “grandmother’s” means
Kitchen curtains
Kitchen curtains are much easier to deal with than others. They are usually made from inexpensive cotton or synthetic fabrics that can withstand frequent washings. Here are some easy instructions:
- To make kitchen curtains easy to clean, soak them in cold salted water overnight, then add salt to the powder when washing.
- Chintz curtains are washed in cold salted water, rinsed in water with vinegar.
- Cotton always shrinks, and color also fades. Therefore, when washing, choose a temperature not higher than that indicated on the label.
On a note!
Before sewing the curtains, dampen the fabric so that later there will be no trouble with shrinkage when washing. Or hem the curtains with a generous margin.
Now that you’ve hung up the clean curtains and crisp white tulle, take a critical look – maybe you should replace your usual window décor with something brighter and more summertime? Moreover, in fashion now