How to wash baby without bathing?

Wash baby without bathing him

Whether he has an arm in a plaster, an eczema flare-up or he screams as soon as you approach the bathtub, there are times when you have to wash Baby without bathing him …

Don’t panic, there are other ways besides the bath to wash Baby effectively! Choose the right time for her toilet.

Wash Baby, in the evening or in the morning?

It does not matter, as long as it is at a moment of calm: when he wakes up or after the meal. Plan a good time (the “toilet without bath” takes longer than the usual dip) and for perfect availability, plug in your answering machine, hang a sign on the door, like “please come back later, Baby in the bath “.

How to go about washing Baby without going through the bath?

In the bathroom, your little one is naked, so remember to check the room temperature: minimum 22 ° C. Prepare all the necessary equipment to have it handy (no question of letting Baby wriggle on the changing table, while it is full of soap and all slippery!).

Start by removing most of the poop with wipes. See our special wipes test bench.

Pour soap into your hands and attack with the cleanest. Illogical ? On the contrary, starting with the upper body keeps the water in the bowl clean until it comes to cleaning the buttocks. In order, this gives: the neck (insisting on the folds), the arms, the armpits, the thorax and the stomach.

Put it on its stomach and soap its neck and back. Then continue through the feet, legs, groin folds, and genitals.

For the boy, gently release the part of the penis that emerges spontaneously, especially without forcing (you risk injuring it).

For the little girl, clean well in the folds between the labia minora and the labia majora. Finally, finish with the buttocks.

With the glove, rinse without rubbing, always starting from the top. Wipe off by patting gently so as not to irritate Baby’s tender skin. Place a few drops of “smells good” on his little neck, put his diaper on and wrap him in his towel. That’s it ! Washing Baby without bathing him is not that complicated after all!

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