How to warm a peach for the winter – preparation for the cold

How to warm a peach for the winter? Everyone wants to enjoy peaches, regardless of the season. Many people like to grow peaches in their summer cottage, but fruits grow best in the southern regions, because they love warmth. Today, peaches are successfully grown at any latitude, but the most serious problem can be called the creation of suitable conditions for wintering. Sometimes it is dangerous to drop the temperature to -25 degrees, because such a temperature can leave you without a crop. And the tree can also dry out from hypothermia, so it’s best to do the preparatory work in advance and organize a shelter for the tree for the winter.

Preparing trees for winter

When the plant is prepared for winter, it is insulated; for this, chips and sawdust are prepared in advance. The trunk is wrapped in cardboard, protecting it from forest pests. It is very important to properly prepare for winter, since the subsequent harvest and the condition of the garden depend on this stage of work. Many fruit crops lend themselves to fall pruning, but peach does not. This tree is pruned in the spring, and before the onset of cold weather it is very important to improve the health of the growing trees and insulate it. 

It is very important to remove all possible diseases, including curl and others. Chemical preparations such as fungicides can help in this work. If you need to cure the garden from aphids, then it is best to use pesticides, and they must be used in a certain dosage.

How to warm a peach for the winter - preparation for the cold

It is important to properly water the tree in the fall before warming, and cover the soil around the trunk with sawdust. This simple job does not require much time, but it can save and protect the garden from freezing. Also, the trees will be protected from early warming, which can occur in autumn. The peach tree is good for whitewashing, this can be done both in autumn and in winter.

Peach processing and preparation for winter is carried out with Bordeaux liquid, and it can only be used if the plant is completely exposed, when all the leaves have fallen off.

If you ignore this possibility, an unforeseen situation may occur in which the tree begins to vegetate very early, and after a while – to bloom. This is not good, and can be dangerous. The irrigation solution should consist of 2 kg of lime and 200 g of vitriol, both compositions are diluted in a bucket of water. Quicklime must be extinguished; a separate container is used for its preparation. And in order for the solution to adhere well to the bark, glue or laundry soap is added to it. Such types of garden plants, such as peach, may be victims of spring frosts, so they need to be insulated.How to warm a peach for the winter - preparation for the cold

Protecting trees from the cold

Where to start warming trees? A lingering autumn can be an ideal time for insulation work. Good weather allows you to calmly harvest, prepare the trees for the onset of cold weather. Heat-loving plants require first care, and can be damaged by early frosts. It is important to warm the trees in time. Until spring, pruning is not worth it – this is the opinion of experts. But if there is still such a need, then this can be done only if the cut points are carefully lubricated with petrolatum. Icing trees can also be dangerous.

How to warm a peach for the winter - preparation for the cold

This happens during a harsh winter with a thaw. Icing and thaws can cause the sap to move in the early periods before spring has arrived. To prevent this from happening, it is insulated – the ground near the trunks is covered with straw, hay or leaves. For the winter, the tree must be insulated very high quality – this directly affects how the tree will cope with the winter cold. The task must be carried out with all seriousness. The best way to insulate is to cover the root system, and for this you can use manure, which has high insulating properties.

You can replace manure with ash, which is no worse and will also perfectly fulfill the tasks set to achieve the insulation process. If there is neither manure nor ash, in order to warm the peach, you can use ordinary earth. The trunk is wrapped with straw or reeds, the plant will be protected, but at the same time it will be able to breathe. Young seedlings are not planted or pruned in autumn. At this time, it will not be easy for them to survive in the environment. Landing is best done in early summer, for this, reliable places are chosen, hidden from the wind and cold.How to warm a peach for the winter - preparation for the coldBy caring for plants, you can reap a good harvest as a result. Peach loves warmth, so they choose a suitable place for it. If you did not have time to spray and whitewash your garden in the fall, you can do it in the winter. Work can be done even a little later than the deadline. Whitewashing and mulching will give a positive result in the further cultivation of the crop, and protect the roots from frost. Therefore, all gardeners who have just learned about the need to warm the garden, or did not plan to do it, can manage to complete the necessary operations on time, since they do not require much time and effort.

Tree crowns are covered with agrofibre, old wallpaper or paper. Polyethylene is not suitable for sheltering the crown – under it the tree can rot. Feeders are hung on trees when the first snow appears, and they can bring benefits not only to birds. Birds arriving in the garden will clean the bark of insects, thereby allowing the tree to develop normally.

Video “Shelter of a peach for the winter”

The record shows a non-standard way to shelter a peach for the winter – using slate.

Peach shelter for the winter (slate as additional protection against freezing and freezing.

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