How to vacuum food at home

1. First, put the product that you intend to pack inside it and close the fastener almost to the end, leaving the bag ajar only a couple of centimeters.

2. Fill a large saucepan or other container that will fit your bag easily with plain water.

3. Gently dip the bag into water, which will squeeze air out of it so that the bag seems to stick together. It must be lowered into the water almost completely, leaving only a slightly open part above its surface, from which air will come out.


4. When the whole bag, except for a small part of it, is under water, and you see that almost all the air has come out of it, close the bag and remove it from the water.

5. You have packed your food in a virtually airless environment, and now you can cook it in a souvide or send it to the refrigerator or freezer for storage.


A detailed description of this process is in the video.

How to Seal Foods Air-Free Without a Vacuum Sealer

It’s important

Some ziplock bags can leak air over time, so it is not recommended to use them for long-term storage of food.

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