How to use the brainstorming technique for yourself

Hello, my dear readers and visitors of the site. Would you agree with me that speed and boldness in making decisions are very important today? Our current reality is that if you don’t do it, someone else will. The only question is who is first? But what to do when you need to solve your own problem directly? How to move away from the «noise» of society and deal with a personal issue? In this situation, it makes sense to consider such a type of psychological impact as a brainstorming technique. But you should not completely compare it with group brainstorming. Yes, their goal and general rules are similar, but the approach and related factors are somewhat different.

If you are still interested in the group assault technique, then you can read it on the blog. Here’s the link.

Where to start?

Let’s start with the key points. In a personal assault, as in a group assault, the following is important:

  • Statement of the problem (task, question)
  • Generation of ideas
  • Selection and evaluation of final concepts

How to use the brainstorming technique for yourself

In other words, you need to identify the problem for yourself, tune in to the “issue” by the subconscious of all possible options for solving it, and in the end, you have to choose the most successful ways, by selecting or combining the recorded considerations. This procedure is limited in time, so you have 1-5 hours to focus and generate a stream of thoughts in the right and efficient way.

Similarly, take note that in any type of brainstorming — criticism is inappropriate! Both in a group and alone, you should write down everything that your subconscious gives out, even if it seems strange, ordinary or impossible to you.

By the way, you can also read on the blog: “How the subconscious mind works and what it can give to any person.”

From words to deeds

How to use the brainstorming technique for yourself

Before starting a personal brainstorming session, you need to retire and put your thoughts and feelings in order. Stock up on a pen and a sheet of paper (you can also take any item that helps you focus). Sit in absolute calmness for 10-15 minutes, then once again clearly set a task for yourself and, concentrating, write down 100 options for solving your problem. Write everything that your consciousness and subconsciousness can give out. Why exactly 100? And what does it mean?

This method of personal brainstorming was introduced to the masses by the little-known Luciano Passuelo, a Brazilian writer and author of articles on self-development. The “List of 100” technique is aimed at ensuring that during the assault it would be possible to “catch” all the hidden possibilities of the subconscious unexpectedly and by surprise, this will allow you to best unlock the potential for generating ideas, for a clearer development of thoughts, and even reveal problems hidden by the sphere of the mind. .

Interpretation of process dynamics

How to use the brainstorming technique for yourself

The first stage

If you are excited and puzzled by the number 100 and it seems to you an impossible task, then in vain. At the initial stage, consciousness works more, it gives out those ideas that you often scroll through in your head, and therefore it will be easiest for you to cope with the first marks. It is the first 30 points that are aimed at ensuring that you go beyond the limits of your thinking as far as possible, having exhausted the resources of consciousness, expand the boundaries of the subconscious and give free rein to fantasies.

The second stage

The next 40 points are the most difficult, one might say, in this matter, since the two spheres of the mind begin to “fight” among themselves for the right to prevail. In what sense? The fact is that when you start moving to new marks, those first 30 options given out by consciousness do not want to “let go” of you. You will repeat yourself, carry over already written considerations and get lost in thoughts. You should not be afraid of this, since this is the very turning point when the power of the subconscious comes into play and the transition to the final and most productive final stage.

The third stage

Here we come to the culmination of our process of influence, where all variations of “conscious” answers ended and the sphere of reason took over. Despite the fact that at first the last entries may seem like one big nonsense, it is the final 30 points that are the very golden grains in the generation of thoughts that we were striving to get from brainstorming. By going through the «List of 100» to the end, you will rethink not only your problem, but also the ways of solving it in a different way.

Even those answers that are often repeated in the list, and seem superfluous to you, will give you an impetus for fresh thoughts and new conclusions. This feature of the application will help you solve the problem of any complexity and neglect.

This version of personal brainstorming is also interesting in that it can serve as a good exercise for those who seek to free the subconscious, as it helps to go beyond the boundaries of consciousness and delve into oneself.


I wish you to learn to listen to yourself, to hear your desires, thoughts and feelings, this will help you always find the right solutions in any situation!

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