How to use the air conditioning in the car and not catch a cold?

A chilled car interior on a hot day is a real comfort, but also a trap. If we use air conditioning improperly, it is easy to catch a runny nose or sore throat. Meanwhile, it is enough to remember a few simple rules to maintain both health and the pleasure that fresh, cool air provides hot skin.

  1. Air conditioning in the car today is an element without which we cannot imagine summer journeys, especially in hot weather. However, it must be used skillfully
  2. The most important thing is to avoid thermal shock, which can cause cold symptoms and even lead to chronic inflammation of the mucous membranes of the nose or throat.
  3. Regular care of the air conditioning in the car will also avoid allergic reactions to any bacteria, fungi or mites that develop in the cooling system.
  4. More information can be found on the Onet homepage

Opponents of air conditioning consider it “evil itself” and a threat to human health. It dries the air, spreads fungi, dust mites and other harmful fumes that can cause allergic reactions. And above all – as a result of a large temperature difference – it is easy to catch a cold. Paradoxically, the warmer it is outside, the more exposed we are to a sore throat, runny nose or cough. However, all these factors that create a negative image of air conditioning can be easily eliminated.

How to use the air conditioning in the car: take care of the air conditioning

Regular air conditioning servicing (at least once a year, e.g. during a car inspection), replacing filters and coolant, and checking the tightness of the air conditioning system will allow you to use this facility without worrying about risking your health. Light drying of the air is an additional element in the fight against fungi and bacteria that like moisture – then they have more difficult conditions to survive.

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The importance of keeping air-conditioning clean was written by the portal 5 Steps to Health, which quoted the results of one of the studies. It examined the changes in the concentration of three groups of microorganisms (psychrophilic bacteria, mesophilic bacteria, fungi) in car air conditioning systems before and after service and cleaning of the air conditioning system. The service of the air conditioning system allowed for the complete elimination of psychrophilic and mesophilic bacteria from the air, and the concentration of microscopic fungi was reduced to 5%.

How to use the air conditioning in the car: avoid thermal shock

This is the basic rule to avoid catching a cold. The most important thing is to moderate and gradually lower the temperature so that our body can get used to the new conditions. The ideal would, of course, be to keep the car in the garage, under a carport, or at least in a fairly shaded place. It is known, however, that we cannot always afford it and the vehicle is often in direct sunlight. The heated sheet metal makes the interior of the car look like a hot oven. The first thing we should do before turning on the air conditioning is to open all the doors and air the car for even a minute.

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Then we turn on the air conditioning, but we do not set it to the target temperature, but to one that is only a few degrees lower than that outside. Then we can gradually lower it, but it should not be too low. The optimal temperature inside the car in summer is around 22-24 degrees.

How to use the air conditioning in the car: follow the five-minute rule

The five-minute rule (or 10 minutes) is to turn off the air conditioning for a few minutes before you reach your destination and turn off the engine. This will allow you to gradually adjust the temperature inside the car to the heat outside and thus avoid the shock that our body would experience as a result of too high a temperature difference. It is better to slowly prepare for the moment of leaving the vehicle. Importantly, such a procedure also has a good effect on the air conditioning system itself, which can gradually get rid of the greater moisture associated with the operation of the system. As a result – the air conditioning will work more efficiently, which we will feel – literally – on our own skin.

This may interest you:

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