How to use perfume correctly: tips, video

😉 Greetings to my regular readers and new guests of the site! The article gives advice on how to use perfume correctly and where it is inappropriate to use it according to etiquette. “Time will pass and you will forget what the woman was wearing, but the smell of her perfume will remain in your memory for a long time” Christian Dior

What is perfume

Perfume is the general name for perfumes and colognes. For the first time perfumes (fragrances) appeared in Ancient Egypt, but still France is considered the birthplace of perfumes.

  1. Perfume – the concentration of essential oils is 15-30%, dissolved in almost pure alcohol. The fragrance lasts up to 6 hours.
  2. Eau de parfum – “day perfume” (15-20%). Aroma – up to 4 hours.
  3. Eau de toilette – contains about 4-10% of essential oils dissolved in alcohol. It differs from perfume in a less persistent aroma. The smell lasts up to 4 hours.
  4. Cologne (Eau de Cologne) – contains 70% alcohol and up to 5% aromatic substances. An analogue of eau de toilette with a lower content of essential oils.
  5. Cologne for women “fresh water” (eau fraiche) -3% essential oils. The durability is minimal – up to 1 hour.

How to use perfume correctly: tips, video

Pleasant, suitable for a person and a situation, the aroma has always been a sign of delicate taste and a fairly high social status. To enjoy your favorite perfume, you should sometimes change it to another, but similar smell.

This fragile fragrant substance absolutely does not tolerate heat. And under the influence of bright light and sunlight, the perfume completely decomposes and acquires an unpleasant odor. Ideal storage conditions are dry and cool, not a refrigerator.

The optimum storage temperature is 20-25 C. It will be sufficient to put the perfume in a wardrobe or chest of drawers.

Fragrances appear differently on every skin type. The choice of perfume is determined by personal taste. There are perfume of the season. “Cold” aromas (fresh, light) – for summer. For winter – “warm” (saturated). The same applies to the time of day. Day – light floral and citrus aromas, in the evening – sweet, musky.

Secret for men: remember that women are subtle beings. They often make choices based on olfactory emotions and prefer men who smell good.

How to apply perfume correctly

“He who owns smells owns the hearts of people” Patrick Süskind “Perfumer”

  • the most important rule is to observe the measure;
  • first of all, you should take into account the specific case, time of day and season;
  • a woman going to a party may use more perfume than a woman going to work;
  • apply perfume only on clean skin with 2-3 drops on the parts of the body where the veins are (pulsation). The skin in these places is the warmest, and its warmth “reveals” the scent more fully;
  • these are the wrists and elbows, shoulders. As well as the jugular fossa (on the neck, between the collarbones), the carotid artery in the neck, temples;
  • one more point – behind the earlobes, at the roots of the hair: there the smell persists the longest.
Where to apply perfume?

Errors when using perfume

  • try not to mix flavors. Don’t use fragrances on stale skin. Perfume on the body only after a shower (wash off sweat and city dust);
  • do not rub the applied scent by moving your wrist on your wrist;
  • do not use the bottle cap to apply the fragrance. Particles of sebum will definitely remain on it. Penetrating into the bottle, the fat will break the complex perfume composition. This can result in a very unpleasant odor. You can use a thin plastic rod or a toothpick;
  • do not pour half a bottle on yourself, think about others;
  • do not splash perfume on clothes – the smell is distorted and stains remain;
  • give up perfume when going to the gym, pool, beach, medical facility. It is inappropriate in a train compartment or on an airplane;
  • try not to choke before eating. By doing this, you can ruin the meal for yourself and for those who are next to you;
  • too strong a scent can be understood as an invitation to intimacy. The delicate Japanese are aware of this, therefore they do not want to disturb others and rarely use perfume;
  • Once in a Parisian subway car, the French made a remark to my friend about the thick smell of perfume. He was told to his face that this is bad manners and that you need to think about others! He was ashamed 🙁
5 mistakes men make when using perfume

A good perfume will always cheer you up! And when the mood is good, a person enjoys life and lives longer! I would be glad if this short article was useful to you. Friends, leave feedback on the article “How to use perfume correctly: tips”. Share this information with your friends on social networks. 🙂 Until next time!

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