How to use papillote curlers? Video
Papillots are soft curlers, known back in the XNUMXth century. In those days, narrow pieces of leather or dense fabric were used to curl hair. Now papillotes are made of soft and flexible synthetic material.
How to use curlers papillots
Elastic curls – how to make a beautiful hairstyle
Papillots are comfortable soft curlers with which you can create a wide variety of hairstyles. They are made from a sponge-like material. Thanks to this, no creases are formed on the hair, they do not deteriorate, do not split. It is easy to wind hair on these curlers, even the youngest beauty will cope with this task.
To get a hairstyle with bouncy curls, wrap damp hair on papillotes.
Divide them into thin strands, gently curling them with curlers. It is better to start from the roots of the hair, then the curls will not get tangled. Place the papillote close to your head and wrap a thin strand around it. Then connect the ends of the curler and twist them to secure the curl.
For a firmer curl, you can treat your hair with a styling product before curling. Liquid works best. It does not weigh down and does not glue the curls, the curls are beautiful and retain their shape for a long time.
With the help of papillotes, you can create both elastic curls and beautiful waves. To make them, wind wide or narrow strands on curlers, fixing each with varnish. In one and a half to two hours, the hairstyle will be ready
You need to remove the papillotes in four to five hours. It all depends on the length of the hair. If they are shoulder-length, this is enough time to create curls. If lower, it will take an extra hour or two. To understand that the curl is quite elastic, you can unwind the curl from one papillote. If it is curled well, remove the rest of the curlers.
Try to remove the papillotes carefully, without unwinding the curls. To do this is simple – separate the ends of the curlers and pull them out of the strands. The smooth surface of the papillotes glides easily through the hair without damaging the curl.
After all the curlers are removed, tilt your head down and secure your hair with varnish. You will get a voluminous, beautiful head of hair. And to highlight individual strands, for example, on the face, take the gel and make the curls more defined.
Papillotes: storage features
The material that covers the papillotes is soft and porous. It absorbs moisture and styling products. Because of this, the papillotes deteriorate – they crack, the coating breaks.
To prevent this from happening, soak the curlers in warm water after each use.
After 10-15 minutes they need to be pulled out and wiped with each brush. Rinse under a tap and put to dry close to the battery, but not on the heater itself, as the porous material can dry out and burst. After 15–20 minutes, the curlers will dry and can be removed before the next styling.