How to use breaks in Microsoft Word to better format documents

Have you struggled with the formatting of a long document, trying to make each section look the way you want? Let’s explore the tool Breaks (Breaks), with which you can bring your Word documents into full order.

Word has so many tools that it’s easy to miss one of them, and it might just be what you’re looking for, by the way. Most of us have already used the usual page break in our work, but Word offers several more types of page breaks, the purpose of which is to help us format documents.

Where are all the gaps hiding?

If you are using Office 2007 or 2010, you can insert a page break on a tab Insertion (Insert). The set of breaks of all types is listed on the tab Page Layout (Page layout). Click the button Breaks (Breaks) and you’ll see 7 page and section break options that you can use in Word.

How to use breaks in Microsoft Word to better format documents

You are now ready to add breaks to the document. Here’s what each can do:


How to use breaks in Microsoft Word to better format documents

Gap Page (Page) has already been used by many of us. You can add it in tab Insertion (Insert) or tab Page Layout (Page layout). You probably already know that this type of break just starts a new page. The new page retains the same formatting as the page before the break. Use it if you want to continue typing on a new page while retaining all formatting.


How to use breaks in Microsoft Word to better format documents

Have you ever created a multi-column document and want the last line of text in the current column to wrap and continue into the next one? You can just press the key several times Enter, but this formatting will fail if you later decide to add text. A better solution would be to insert a gap Column (Column). It will take you to the next column, leaving all previous text in the first column. If you later decide to add text to the first column, it will fill it to the bottom until it is full.

Wrap text

How to use breaks in Microsoft Word to better format documents

Want to add a caption to a picture around the picture itself? Select the text next to the picture and click Text Wrapping (Wrap text). This will keep the text in a separate block with its own formatting, and all other text will flow around the created block.

Next, current, even or odd page

How to use breaks in Microsoft Word to better format documents

The most important gap, in our opinion, is Next Page (Next page). Unlike the standard break Page (Page), this tool takes you to the next page and creates a section with completely independent formatting. breaks Even Page (even page) and Odd Page (Odd Page) allow you to insert a section break and move to the next even or odd page respectively, so you can format your documents based on the left and right pages of the book. Continuous (Current Page) inserts a section break, but without switching to another page.

Do you want to switch from 2-column text to 1-column text, or do you want to apply the new font scheme for the title page only? A section break will help you. Now you can format the entire document, cover, content, links – all with your own unique formatting, while saving it in one file.

Using section breaks in headers and footers

Formatting headers and footers takes a little more effort. By default, headers and footers in your document will have the same content even on pages with section breaks. To do it differently, double-click on a header or footer in a new section of your document and click the button Link to Previous (As in the previous section) to disable the link between headers and footers. Now your headers and footers in different sections of the document will be absolutely unique.

How to use breaks in Microsoft Word to better format documents

In addition, you can create a custom header for the first page, or different headers for even and odd pages. To do this, check the appropriate box in the section Options (Settings) tab Footer and Header/Design (Working with footers/Constructor).

How to use breaks in Microsoft Word to better format documents

Now you can take advantage of all types of document breaks to make the formatting exactly the way you want it. Microsoft often mentions that 90% of users use no more than 10% of Office features. We hope that now you will be able to use a little more of the Office tools and make document formatting tasks easier for you.

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