How to use an exercise bike for beginners to lose weight

In recent years, exercise bikes have become especially popular. This is a handy tool that will help you lose weight and strengthen your core muscles. How to achieve the expected result for beginners using this simulator, we will analyze in this article.

An exercise bike is a versatile tool that can be used at any time of the day. Morning workout will give a boost of energy for the whole day, speed up metabolic processes. If you train in the evening, you can burn extra calories and pump the gluteal muscles. Many novice athletes mistakenly believe that the main thing in exercising on a stationary bike is just pedaling. Is it so? And what mistakes should be avoided when starting classes?

Systematic exercise on an exercise bike will help strengthen your back, work out the muscles of your legs and buttocks, and burn extra calories. But in order for the training to bring maximum benefit, you need to know certain rules.

How to exercise on an exercise bike

  • Training time  – Training should not be carried out less than half an hour after eating. It is also not recommended to train immediately after sleep, since the mobility of the joints at this time is limited. If the workout takes place in the evening, it must be completed a few hours before bedtime. Otherwise, sleep may be disturbed due to overexcitation of the nervous system.
  • Duration of training – If the purpose of training is to maintain a healthy activity of the body, it will be enough to pedal for 20-40 minutes. The intensity of the lesson depends on physical fitness. In order to lose weight, you need to exercise for an hour and a half. The workout must be high intensity to burn a large number of calories. The time and intensity of training should increase gradually, in proportion to the development of physical indicators of the body.
  • Frequency of training – You should start classes 2-3 times a week. Gradually, this figure can be increased up to 5-6 times. This is especially true when the goal is to lose weight. Experts recommend leaving at least one day a week for rest.
  • Warm up and cool down  – Before starting a workout on an exercise bike, it is imperative to warm up. It can last 10-15 minutes. In the warm-up, it is important to warm up all muscle groups, especially the legs and pelvis. At the end of classes, it is also necessary to carry out exercises. The best choice would be a short stretch. The hitch is carried out to relieve muscle tension and tone.
  • Exercise Technique – Contrary to popular belief, exercise on an exercise bike does not involve simply pressing the pedals. This is an interval training that has several options for building a system. The best option for beginners is the ratio of 30 seconds of acceleration and 3 minutes of calm mode.

Approximate scheme of training on an exercise bike

  • 3 minutes of smooth acceleration up to 20 km / h;
  • acceleration up to 25 km / h, keep the speed for 3-4 minutes;
  • 3 minutes – 20 km/h;
  • 3 minutes – 25 km/h;
  • 3 minutes – 20 km/h;
  • 5-6 minutes – 25 km/h;
  • 3 minutes -20 km / h with a smooth decrease in speed to a complete stop.

The duration of this workout is 25 minutes. It is perfect for starting classes, including people without sports training. It is worth repeating classes three times a week, making rest days between sets.

The effectiveness of exercising on an exercise bike

Cycling is a great choice for beginners. You can spend no more than one hour a day on classes, while getting a quick and lasting result. Being engaged on an exercise bike, it is convenient to adjust the intensity of the load to the individual characteristics of the athlete. 

If you need training to strengthen the cardiovascular system, you can do about an hour at a low intensity. It is important to consult a doctor beforehand.

The exercise bike will help not only lose weight, but also strengthen the cardiovascular system. It is one of the most productive types of cardio training..

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